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Subject: Re: [topicmaps-comment] FYI: AsTMa language family update

* Robert Barta
| I have updated our ideas about TM languages
|   http://topicmaps.bond.edu.au/astma/
| and specifically the authoring part
|   http://topicmaps.bond.edu.au/astma/astma=.html

I looked over this, and came up with some minor comments:

 - what are the allowed expansions of the "eol" and "ws" symbols?

 - does AsTMa= support reification? It doesn't seem to, but the
   completeness section does not mention this.

 - making macro references look like entity references may not be a
   good idea: it makes it harder to embed AsTMa instances in XML and
   HTML markup

 - LTM can in fact scope individual base names (but not occurrences)

 - my last name is "Garshol", not "Garhol" :)

--Lars M.

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