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Subject: [topicmaps-comment] RE: [eventChemistry] The Zen of Ontology,Business, and Survival

Dick said:
"From my point of view, we move on immediately using unambiguous coding to make knowledge independent of language. "
and I say, that the application of coding "that is independant of languge" is possible (not in 3 years, but in 6 months) through the application of methods first produced in structural linguitics to study the issue of machine translation.
As I noted in my comment to Ray, it is not natural lanaguage patterns and grammars that we are looking at, but the use of markov processes and other techniques (stocastic in nature like may SLIP technique) to address and organize the structure of the bitstream in the internet.
We have a leg up on this... due to the existence of a large industry of Intrusion Detection Systems.....  and their production of event logs.
The future of this project is possibily that OSI goes to the White House to the policy level to make the case for the deployment of this system as defined at:
But I am still hoping that the "system" of management review in Industry will wake up to what has happened.   This would be a lot less risky a strategy.

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