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Subject: Re: [tosca-comment] Question about TOSCA

Chris's answer is one way to think of Ansible playbooks. I'll present another.

I maintain an Ansible plugin for TOSCA on Ansible Galaxy. It allows Ansible to consume TOSCA natively in two ways: 1) as an inventory that can enumerate node templates as Ansible hosts (with all their related TOSCA data), or 2) as an Ansible role that allows you to enumerate any kind of TOSCA node templates for arbitrary purposes.

So, instead of treating Ansible as an executor of playbook artifacts, it can indeed be your main orchestrator. This can be especially attractive when using Ansible Tower. You can think of it as allowing Ansible to use TOSCA. Alternatively, it can be seen as allowing Ansible to be a TOSCA orchestrator.

See examples and basic instructions here:


On Galaxy:


Contributions welcome!

It's a work in progress, and there are some additional features coming very soon, especially to allow for custom Ansible roles in Python that do more specialized manipulation of the TOSCA topological data. We're currently using it as a fully-declarative frontend for some complex Ansible playbooks (installing Kubernetes on baremetal). TOSCA provides much value above just throwing configuration data into Ansible vars.

On Thu, Nov 4, 2021 at 5:26 PM furqan iqbal <furqaniqbal00313@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi TOSCA Team,

I have a question about TOSCA. I want to know how TOSCA steers
Ansible, How TOSCA supervises Ansible. How to use
TOSCA with Ansible, is TOSCA adds value to Ansible, what are the
similarities between TOSCA and Ansible?

I will be thankful if I get the answer to these questions.

Best Regards
Furqan Iqbal

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