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Subject: InvoiceLine calculation questions


We are trying to calculate the LegalTotal for an Invoice processing the 
information stored in AllowanceCharges, TaxTotal, BasePrice,... and 
while doing this work we have found this questions:

Question 1

The description for the LineExtensionAmount in the InvoiceLineType and 
LineItemType says the following: "the monetary amount that is the total 
for the line item, including any pricing variation (allowances, charges 
or discounts) but not adjusted by any payment settlement discount or 
taxation. (equals BasePrice multiplied by Quantity)".

The text inside parenthesis is not coherent with the description, we 
think the right text should say something like that: "equals BasePrice 
multiplied by Quantity plus Line-AllowanceCharges".

Question 2

Inside every AllowanceCharge in an InvoiceLine or LineItem we have found 
the tag SequenceNumeric that indicates: "identifies the sequence in 
which all allowances or charges are calculated when multiple components 
apply one on top of another. If all are applicable to the same base 
price, the indicator will always equal one."
Our question is described with this example.

If we have a sequence with the following AllowanceCharges:

AllowanceCharge A with SequenceNumeric 1
AllowanceCharge B with SequenceNumeric 1
AllowanceCharge C with SequenceNumeric 2
AllowanceCharge D with SequenceNumeric 1

We can calculate the Amounts for the AllowanceCharges in two ways:

Way 1
Amount for AllowanceCharge A is ->
   A' = (Quantity * BasePrice) * MultiplierFactorNumeric

Amount for AllowanceCharge B is ->
   B' = (Quantity * BasePrice) * MultiplierFactorNumeric

Amount for AllowanceCharge C is ->
   C' = ((Quantity * BasePrice) + B') * MultiplierFactorNumeric

Amount for AllowanceCharge D is ->
   D' = (Quantity * BasePrice) * MultiplierFactorNumeric

Way 2
Amount for AllowanceCharge A is ->
   A' = (Quantity * BasePrice) * MultiplierFactorNumeric

Amount for AllowanceCharge B is ->
   B' = (Quantity * BasePrice) * MultiplierFactorNumeric

We can't still calculate the amount for AllowanceCharge C

Amount for AllowanceCharge D is ->
   D' = (Quantity * BasePrice) * MultiplierFactorNumeric

Now we can calculate Amount for AllowanceCharge with SequenceNumeric 2 ***/

Amount for AllowanceCharge C is ->
   C' = ((Quantity * BasePrice) + A' + B' + D')* MultiplierFactorNumeric

Which way is the right one? or Is there any other interpretation of 

Thanks for your attention.

Best regards,

Jordi Bosom and Carlos Lozano

Jordi Bosom i Valmaña


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