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Subject: Fw: [ubl-jplsc] Revised UBL data dictionary (Take 2)

UBL TC$B%j!<%@!<$N(BJon Bosak$B$O!$!V(BUBL data dictionary $B$K4X$7$F!$K]LupJs%5!<%S%9-j!J(BFIS$B!K(B
$B>pJs(BSI$B;v6HIt(B $B;v6H4k2hIt(B
e-mail: saito-yukinori@fujielectric.co.jp
Tel: 03-5435-7333      Fax: 03-5435-7513

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <jon.bosak@sun.com>
To: <ubl@lists.oasis-open.org>
Cc: <ubl-l10n@lists.oasis-open.org>; <ubl-cnlsc@lists.oasis-open.org>;
<ubl-eslsc@lists.oasis-open.org>; <ubl-jplsc@lists.oasis-open.org>;
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 1:07 PM
Subject: [ubl-jplsc] Revised UBL data dictionary (Take 2)

I wasn't considering the spreadsheet I sent earlier a publishable
document, but I've now attached the OASIS copyright notice just in
case.  Please use this version if you need to circulate the draft
for comments.

Also notice that I intend to include credits for the translators.
Localization subcommittees: please provide the names of the
translators and their organizational affiliations.



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