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Subject: Minutes of Atlantic UBL TC call 30 April 2014 14:00UTC



Atlantic teleconference:

  Peter Borresen
  Kees Duvekot
  G. Ken Holman (convener)
  Ole Madsen

Pacific teleconference attendance:

  Kenneth Bengtsson
  G. Ken Holman (convener)
  Tim McGrath


  Additions to events calendar: https://ubl.xml.org/events
    - no events to add at this time

  Review of Pacific call minutes

  Review of Atlantic call minutes

  Membership status review

    - voting status is determined by the following:
      - existing voting members must not miss two consecutive meetings to
        maintain voting status
      - non-voting members must attend two consecutive meetings to obtain
        voting status
    - current voting member list (alphabetical):
      - Oriol Bausa
      - Kenneth Bengtsson
      - Peter Borresen
      - Jon Bosak (secretary)
      - Kees Duvekot
      - G. Ken Holman (co-chair)
      - Ole Madsen
      - Tim McGrath (co-chair)
      - Andy Schoka (TSC chair)
    - members approaching losing voting status:
      - Oriol Bausa
    - what can we do to recruit more volunteers to the TC to share
      in the work?

  JIRA tickets
   - no action needed

  Web site maintenance
   - no action needed

International Data Dictionary

 - Ken to create Google spreadsheets for collaboration

Conformance to CCTS 2.01

 - awaiting Special Majority Ballot:


Naming and Design Rules

  - Ken has begun editing the new work project
  - Kees suggests we consider splitting the two into separate documents, the
    OASIS Standard being the prescriptive rules and a Committee Note being the
    descriptive clauses of how the UBL TC followed the rules
  - Ken will continue creating the document as an amalgam and then we will
    look at splitting it up when the content is complete
  - Tim suggested we revive the NDR Subcommittee for review purposes; Ken
    has updated the subcommittee home page accordingly:


  - discussions specific to the development of NDR will take place in the
    NDR Subcommittee and the subcommittee will forward recommendations to
    the TC
  - please find the "Join group" link in the links under "Roster" on the
    member page above in order to join this subcommittee to participate in
    the reviews of the draft work

Question regarding document interpretation

 - question regarding inferred order of information in a UBL document
   - Kees asks about the example of the Address Line being a repeatable
     CAC:  the order of the lines is inferred by the order of the
     elements, is this sufficient? can it be assumed that a recipient's
     system will interpret the address lines correctly
 - proposed answer:
   - in the absence of other control information associating sibling
     elements with other information in the document, the XML order
     of a repeating element can be assumed to be in a semantic order
   - note that document order of elements is guaranteed across XML
     implementations, thus not risking any differences in interpretation
 - it was noted that this is something that could be added to a future
   customization guideline

UBL TC next steps

  - what promotional issues need to be addressed?
  - UBL 2 is an organic thing that can be grown

  - what do we do for implementation support?
  - should we write a companion document of how to use the specification?
  - industry-specific documentation?
  - make it easier to find what is relevant without changing the actual

  - how about another UBL International conference in order to
    promote the release of UBL 2.1?  Can anyone host this conference?
      http://ublconference.com or http://ublconference.org
      - perhaps an event in North America and in Europe in 2014
        - Washington DC, Burlington MA (OASIS)?
        - http://www.exchange-summit.com/ - Barcelona - October 2014
        - BII - Paris in June?  Frankfurt in September?
        - Beijing June 2014 (JTC 1 SC32)?

  - how about a Twitter feed of UBL adoption and announcements?

  - what subject matter issues need to be addressed?
    - more transportation co-ordination issues
    - communications with transportation regulatory organizations

  - what technical issues need to be addressed?
    - are any schema changes needed?

  - what educational materials need to be made available?
    - how about YouTube videos regarding access to the UBL package?


 Next meetings:

   2014-05-07 No meetings this week
   2014-05-14 Pacific 00:00UTC/20:00EDT, Atlantic 14:00UTC/16:00CEST/10:00EDT
   2014-05-21 No meetings this week
   2014-05-28 Pacific 00:00UTC/20:00EDT, Atlantic 14:00UTC/16:00CEST/10:00EDT

   Agreed - for the next few months we will plan only two meetings ahead so
            that if anything comes up we can act accordingly

 Will anyone be requesting a leave of absence in the near future?  For
 privacy reasons, this discussion will be kept off of the minutes.

 TC calendar:

 TC calendar iCal subscription link:



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