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Subject: Re: [uiml] Re: Happy New Year! and back to UIML :)

Op donderdag 17-01-2008 om 09:47 uur [tijdzone -0500], schreef Jim
> Hello all,
> Thank you for your replies.  It appears that everyone has a constraint
> on the 18th, so I would like to suggest Next Wednesday the 23rd.  Will
> the usual time work for everyone?
> I still have not heard directly from Kris or Jean, but hopefully this
> will work for everyone.

Sorry about that: Januari is really full with examinations, CHI and
stuff. I am also taking exams on January 23, so I would prefer to have
the meeting rather late; ~18:30 GMT+1 timezone.

Kris Luyten
Assistant Professor
Expertisecentrum voor Digitale Media - Hasselt University
Wetenschapspark 2, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
tel.: +32 (0)11 268411
email: kris.luyten@uhasselt.be
web: http://research.edm.uhasselt.be/kris

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