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Subject: Re: [virtio-dev] [RFC RESEND] virtio-video: Add virtio video device specification

On Thu, Nov 07, 2019 at 02:09:34PM +0100, Dmitry Sepp wrote:
> Hello Gerd,
> Thank you for your feedback.
> There is no relationship between those. As I mentioned earlier. we have also 
> been working on a virtio video device at the same time. And there is no 
> relationship between the two specs.

Keiichi, have you looked at the spec?

I think it is useful to have a single device specification for all video
functions given that there is a bunch of common stuff.  Both encoder and
decoder must negotiate video frame and video stream parameters for
example.  Also the virtio-video spec looks like a superset of

Is there any important feature in video-vdec which is missing in

> virtio-video:
> 1. Uses the 'driver requests - device responses' model.
> 2. Does not  have the logical split of bitstreams and framebuffers, has only a 
> generic buffer object.

Can you give a quick summary on buffer object management?


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