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Subject: Groups - Action Item Modified: #0068 Elmar's friends - get TC Admin t...

OASIS Web Services Discovery and Web Services Devices Profile (WS-DD) TC member,

Mr. Toby Nixon has modified this action item.

Number: #0068
Description: Elmar's friends - get TC Admin t...
Owner: Mr. Toby Nixon
Status: Open
Due: 09 Dec 2008

Mr. Toby Nixon  2008-12-04 22:32 GMT
I've confirmed with Mary McRae that it is OK for non-TC members to attend and participate in the interop event. It won't be considered an official meeting of the TC, since no minutes or attendance will be kept (its more like a public workshop that produces a report to the TC), so as far as the OASIS organization is concerned participating in the interop is not the same as attending a TC meeting. 

If any guests at the interop want to stay over for the face-to-face meeting, they may do so, but according to the rules they won't be able to participate in the TC discussions except to introduce themselves. OASIS allows guests to attend a TC meeting as a silent observer once or twice while considering OASIS membership, but not on an ongoing basis.

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- OASIS Open Administration

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