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ws-rx-comment message

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Subject: Comments on WS-RM CD04

Dear WS-RX TC members,
Here are my comments on WS-ReliableMessaging Committee Draft 04.

1. Section 3.2 (P. 10)
This section describes piggy-back messages, but does not mention receivable
message combinations. So, which message combinations can be received could
be implementation-dependent.

I think it could indicate unavailable message combinations, such as:
- Combination of a Sequence message (user payload) and a Sequence Lifecycle
message (CrSq, ClSq, etc.)
- Combination of a SOAP Fault and other message.

2. Section 3.8 (P. 19)
According to the specification, a receiver must return an Acknowledgement
when a message contains an AckRequested element, which requests an
Acknowledgement. However, it is not specified that a receiver must not
return an Acknowledgement when a message contains no AckRequested element.
So, I think the implementation should return an AckRequested element
whenever a user payload is received.

3. No description on guaranteed message ordering and duplication
Neither did the previous version. Did the TC determine to set them out of

Sadao Yashiro

Sadao Yashiro
Strategy & Technology Division,
Software Group,
Fujitsu Limited

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