The changes seem to all be minor typographical issues. If left
they would be errata. As addressing them now increases the quality of the
specification it seems to me that we should incorporate them however we can. I
don’t think that should require another ballot. I do think this should be
transparent and the TC informed.
From: Doug Davis
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 2:06 PM
Subject: Fw: [ws-rx-editors] Anomalies in PDF spec formats
Importance: High
created a CD7 folder with the following changes:
- removed the
"/wsdl" from the WSDL URLs in WSRM and WSMC
- renamed the
specs to be CD07 (RM, RMP) and CD03 (MC) - updated the "previous
links" (note, previous editable source is now .doc not .odt)
- updated the
references sections to point to the CD07/03 versions of our specs
- Fixed the
repeating URL at the bottom of the "status" section of the MC spec
- Fixed the bad
URLs in the MC examples (200/07/2 -> 200702)
- Searched
through all .doc files for any hypertext and removed several that were bad.
We had quite a few that were pointing to "/". While they
might not have been visible, if you looked at the html (or I guess if you
hovered over just the right character) then you'd see it
- Paul noticed
a typo in MC example ( s/ ).
Now, the
question on the table is what to do with these. I believe the options are:
1 - ignore them
and let the vote continue. If they vote passes then ship these specs in
their current shape
2 - stop the
current vote and start a new one tomorrow based on these spec
What are
people's current thoughts/preferences?
In the
meantime, please look over the pdf files in the CD7 directory. From my
scanning of them things looked ok, but we've been there before :-)
One lingering
question I have for Mary/Robin: I believe the rules state that once a CD is
approved nothing but stuff in the title page and footer may be updated when
converting it over to a CS. We, however, have references across the specs
in our "references" section. Can we assume that its ok to
modify those links to change the CDx to CSx ?
STSM | Web Services Architect | IBM Software Group
(919) 254-6905 | IBM T/L 444-6905 |
Forwarded by Doug Davis/Raleigh/IBM on 03/06/2007 04:54 PM -----
Cover <>
10:35 AM
Editors <>
Cover <>, Mary McRae
Anomalies in PDF spec formats
Last last night, while writing some
documentation for Staff
(action URIs) I encountered a couple anomalies in the PDF versions for
WS-RX TC specs being balloted. I didn't check the corresponding
.doc or .html formats.
I. Location of normative WSDL for WSMC/WS-MC and WSRM
A. In the PDF for WSMC being balloted:
Appendix B. WSDL
The normative WSDL 1.1 definition for WS-MakeConnection is located
B. In In the PDF for WSRM being balloted:
Appendix B. WSDL
The normative WSDL 1.1 definition for WS-ReliableMessaging is located
* I think these two '/200702/wsdl/' URIs were overlooked when the (current)
CD-level versions of the specs were installed; no idea why
* The file "" referenced here
indicates that the two WSDLs should be stored directly in a directory
/200702/, not in /200702/wsdl/
1584 02-22-07 13:39 6228161f
2654 02-11-07 18:09 19456660
* If the TC's intent it to make the official/canonical locations to be
/200702/ (according to the ""
file), then
I think we can create a server level URI mapping to ensure that
the resources are available at the URIs given in Appendix B, yet
without creating a visible URI in the server index listing at
/200702/wsdl/ (i.e., we can avoid creating the /wsdl/ directories and
still honor the assertions about the location of the normative WSDL
definitions being at the locations declared in Appendix B.
* If the TC intends to make the WSDL URIs nominated in Appendix B
"normative" for the "normative definition", then
we can use some
other kind of URI aliasing (e.g.,) symlink to normalize the
data and make the content appear at both locations, visible
for both occurrences in the server's file index
* In connection with the above, it's not clear to me whether you
intended to say "The normative WSDL 1.1 definition for
when, as I understand the situation, the WSMC WSDL is actually
Or.... ??
II. Possible errors in action URIs, anonymous URI
**I'm not sure if what I see in my (older) version of Adobe Acrobat
is a software display artifact or a real mistake -- visible in all
later versions of Acrobart reader...
In the PDF for WSMC being balloted
I see "200702" munged to read as "20070/2" and
"200/70/2" in several