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Subject: issue i021 requirements

I took an action during last week's concall to send requirements for 
what I see as the desired semantics for issue i021. Sorry for being late 
but I'm on vacation till 17th march (my regrets for the next 2 concalls).


1) Provide the capability to specify in WSDL that a particular message 
(input, output, or fault) MUST be sent reliably within a WSRM Sequence.

2) Provide the capability to specify in WSDL that a particular message 
(input, output, or fault) MAY be sent using WSRM. The means that it is 
the sender's choice (and not the receiver's) whether the message is sent 
reliably or not.

3) Provide the capability to specify in a WSDL binding/port that all 
messages  sent using that binding/port MUST be sent reliably within a 
WSRM Sequence (but not in the same Sequence). This potentially could be 
syntactic sugar based on how the capability in (1) is provided.

4) Provide the capability to specify in a WSDL binding/port that all 
messages  sent using that binding/port MAY be sent reliably within a 
WSRM Sequence (but not in the same Sequence). The means that it is the 
sender's choice (and not the receiver's) whether the message is sent 
reliably or not. This potentially could be syntactic sugar based on how 
the capability in (2) is provided.

5) The capability in (1) and (2) should not impose onerous constrains on 
other messages within the same portType/Binding/Port wrt reliability. 
For example, one should have the ability to specify that a particular 
in-message MUST be sent reliably without requiring any reliability 
constrains on the out-message (supported or required).

Consider a port which is a purchase order service providing 'submitPO' 
and 'getStatus' operations. The submitPO operation is reliable, secure 
and transacted operation which returns a PO number. Both the in and out 
messages for submitPO are sent reliably. The getStatus operations 
requires the PO number and returns a status (pending, approved) -- this 
is not a secure, reliable or a transacted operation. The capabilities 
provided in (1) - (4) above should not force the port to support 
reliability for the getStatus operation.


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