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Subject: Re: [wsbpel] Issue - 52 - Proposal For Vote
So, when the "self" bit is on the implication must be that the process takes on both roles of the partner link. Don't you need to differentiate in receives/invokes what "end" of the partner link is being used? That is, isn't this (from the process perspective) actually equivalent to two partner links (that happen to be the two ends of the same message pipe)? I guess resolving this issue involves a judgement call about what type of interactions merit first class support in the language. I am still of the opinion that we can deal with this facility via data sharing, on the assumption that this behavior is that frequently required. Paco "Yaron Y. Goland" <ygoland@bea.com> To: wsbpeltc <wsbpel@lists.oasis-open.org> cc: 09/15/2004 09:05 Subject: [wsbpel] Issue - 52 - Proposal For Vote PM Please respond to ygoland In section 6.2, 7.2 Change the partnerLink schema to: <partnerLinks> <partnerLink name="ncname" partnerLinkType="qname" myRole="ncname"? partnerRole="ncname"? partnerIsSelf="Boolean"?>+ </partnerLink> </partnerLinks> Add the following text to the end of section 7.2: If the partnerIsSelf attribute is set to true then it indicates that the partnerRole points to the BPEL process instance in which the partnerLink is being used. The default value of the partnerIsSelf attribute is false. partnerIsSelf is used to support internal communication so that a BPEL process instance can send messages to itself. By specifying partnerIsSelf="true" the BPEL engine knows that it is to provide a binding for the partnerRole that points at the BPEL process instance. Add the following to the schema definition of tPartnerLink: <attribute name="partnerIsSelf" type="bpws:tBoolean" use="optional" default="no"/> To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster of the OASIS TC), go to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsbpel/members/leave_workgroup.php .
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