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Subject: RE: [wsbpel] Issue 82.2 Proposal

Short and sweet :-)   A couple of questions:
Why the requirement that all start activities must be present in the template?  Is it about the data that comes in with the initial message being essential?
Why are compensation handlers not allowed to be added to scope declarations?


From: Charlton Barreto [mailto:cbarreto@adobe.com]
Sent: Sun 9/11/2005 10:11 PM
To: ws bpel tc
Cc: Alex Yiu; Charlton Barreto; Martin Chapman; Monica J Martin; Nickolas Kavantzas; Ron Ten-Hove
Subject: [wsbpel] Issue 82.2 Proposal

Attached is a proposal for Issue 82.2 - another abstract profile for a process template - which was developed by the subgroup which expressed interest in this back in June (including Adobe, Oracle and Sun).

Charlton Barreto
P +1.415.692.5396

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