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Subject: Re: [wsbpel] Problems with the latest schema
Hi Ron, Thank for you catching these problems. For the inconsistencies in the case of <if>-<then> and <messageExchange>, it is related to the issues (e.g. issue 237) was applied to the spec text but not to XSD. I am going to apply these 2 changes during the lunch break here. On the other hand, I am not sure I follow you 100% on "tExtensionActivity has had a namespace attribute added to the any child. There is no mention of this, as far as I can find, in the latest draft specification. (If this an attempt to say ##other?)" It seems to me that you want to ask for a clarification spec text, but not on the XSD itself (since the XSD cannot and does not have any grammar enforcement on the "xsd:any" child). Do I follow you correctly? Thanks! Regards, Alex Yiu From Ron Ten-Hove <Ronald.Ten-Hove@Sun.COM> Sent Tue 5/2/2006 6:11 AM To 'wsbpeltc' <wsbpel@lists.oasis-open.org> Subject Re: [wsbpel] Problems with the latest schema Are these inconsistencies worth opening an issue (or three?) about, to resolve them, or do we just assume the specification is correct and the schema just needs a bit of editing? -Ron Ron Ten-Hove wrote: There are some inconsistencies between the specification text and the "snapshot" of the schema Alex sent out April 29th. |
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