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Subject: [wsia] Requirements we signed up to review/rewrite

Folks -- here's the list by name of the requirements in the draft document
which we each signed up to debate and rewrite.  Let's review the process
for getting this done in tomorrow's call.

Rich Thompson: 202, 129-131, 603, 901, 902-4, 905, 907, 918, 924

Tim Jones: 301, 901, 922

Sean Fitts: 203-5, 603, 401, 413-15, 905

Shankar Ramaswamy: 203-5, 129-131, 603, 702, 900, 408, 401, 413-15, 411,
902-4, 905, 907, 918

Sasha Aickin: 203-5, 401, 413-15, 901, 902-4, 905

Bill Cox: 203-5, 601, 907

Eilon Reshef: 203-5, 601, 408, 901, 905, 922

Ravi Konuru: 203-5, 603, 408, 411

Monica Martin: 129-131, 601, 900, 401, 411

Terry Cline: 129-131, 603, 401, 905, 907

Gil Tayar: 129-131, 603, 411, 902-4, 907

Alan Kropp: 602, 900, 413-15, 902-4, 905, 918

Graeme Riddell: 702

Srinivas: 702

Greg Giles: 408, 411, 922

Stefan Beck: 408, 922

Robert Serr: 411

Pete Quintas: 907

Dan Gisolfi: 922

Charlie Wiecha: 202, 301, 602, 401, 413-15

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