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Subject: Re: [wsia] [wsia-glossary] IBM Change Submission

Title: Re: [wsia] [wsia-glossary] IBM Change Submission
This change submission brings up an important point, which is: Can we perhaps provide an expanded appendix to the glossary for terms we use, but which have differing meanings in different schemata, such as RDF, different technologies such as Java or C#? That would leave the WSIA-WSRP -specific glossary intact for reference purposes, especially as part of the namespace, but allow for more expanded entries for clearing drawing the distinctions, with reasoning behind the differences if at all possible.

Some of us have to sell these things to other groups, and we need a few arrows in our quivers-metaphorically.


At 9:31 AM -0400 5/21/02, Dan Gisolfi wrote:
Since WSIA and WSRP will share the same Glossary of terms, IBM is using this opportunity to provide a collective set of document changes from our respective internal teams. The attached document represents the aggregation of all those changes:

(See attached file: wsia-draft-glossary-03a-ibm-suggestions.doc)(See attached file: wsia-draft-glossary-03a-ibm-suggestions.pdf)

Dan Gisolfi

Attachment converted: Enterprise:wsia-draft-glossary-03a-ibm-sug (WDBN/MSWD) (001AFD6C)
Attachment converted: Enterprise:wsia-draft-glossary-03a-ibm-s 1 (PDF /CARO) (001AFD6D)


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