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Subject: [wsn] URLs to .pdfs

I very much appreciate these links, since we can use them for the DMTF
WS-CIM WG, and also for internal reference pages.

I would even more appreciate something like a "latest stable" URL for each
spec, if I may speak in open source terms. It is true that outside WGs do
not always have a need to get the latest working draft, and they also
usually prefer a not too high update frequency. It is very important for
outsiders not to simply get the latest, but to understand to what extent
they can consider its content to be stable.


Andreas Maier
IBM Senior Technical Staff Member,  eServer Software Arch. and Design
IBM Lab Boeblingen,  maiera@de.ibm.com,  +49-7031-16-3654

----- Forwarded by Andreas Maier/Germany/IBM on 11.06.2004 12:50 -----
             William N"                                                    
             <vbp@hp.com>                                               To 
                                       "Steve Graham"                      
             09.06.2004 21:40          <sggraham@us.ibm.com>,              
                                       [wsn] URLs to .pdfs                 

I don't have a problem with a "latest draft" URL to help people locate the
latest draft. But we also want to keep the "re-published" versions we are
working on as easily accessible timestamped documents. The whole point of
this republishing is to have a stable version for people. Let's not confuse
them in thinking that whenever a new draft comes out they should
automatically move to it.

Obviously at the end people implement whatever they want, all I am saying
is let's make sure to not create too much confusion with this URL wrt to
our republished docs.


 -----Original Message-----
 From: Steve Graham [mailto:sggraham@us.ibm.com]
 Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 1:44 PM
 To: wsn@lists.oasis-open.org; wsrf@lists.oasis-open.org
 Subject: [wsn] URLs to .pdfs

 Hi all:
 On both the TC calls today, I took a to do to propose/clarify the list of
 "final" URLs for the various .pdfs in our 1.2 "release" of the various
 specs.  Note: the WSDL and XSD should be updated to reference 2004/06 in
 the namespace URIs and should be published to the /2004/06 directories
 under http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsn/ or http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsrf.

 Note, that according to our URI convention, XSDs and WSDLs currently look

 we agreed to have the wsn- (and wsrf-) prefix before the "filename".  I
 believe we should stay consistent here.  Therefore lets update the
 filenames and document identifiers to be consistent (and consistent in
 capitalization too).

 Quick question:
 Do we want to have a "latest draft" URL of these specs that is independent
 of directory structure and ALWAYS points to the latest greatest?

 Editors: Please update your document identifier, document location and
 references (and any other text) to reflect these file name URLs:





 and the Pub Sub Whitepaper:





 and the "Modeling Stateful Resources using Web services" white paper:

 Steve Graham
 (919)254-0615 (T/L 444)
 STSM, On Demand Architecture
 Member, IBM Academy of Technology
 <Soli Deo Gloria/>

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