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Subject: Clarifications on multiple portTypes

Hi all,

Since I didn't manage to convince the group that "portType copy/paste"
method should provide a way for the consumer of the WSDL doc to find the
Qnames of the portTypes implemented (which to me negates the value of
WSDL) I am trying to find a way to use WS-ResourceProperties in a way
that provides this information in accordance with our spec. Moving the
"copy-paste" stuff outside of WS-RP was one step in this direction. I
would like to hear comments from the group on the approach below.

My WSDL looks like:

<definition targetnamespace="http://myNS.com/";

   <import namespace="http://foo.com"/>
   <import namespace="http://bar.com"/>

   <binding name="bindingA" type="foo:A">

   <binding name="bindingB" type="bar:B">

   <binding name="bindingWSRP" type="wsrp:GetResourcePropertyDocument">

   <service name="myService">

      <port name="PortA" binding="tns:bindingA">
         <soap:address location="http://myServer/myEndpoint"/>
      <port name="PortB" binding="tns:bindingB">
         <soap:address location="http://myServer/myEndpoint"/>
      <port name="PortWSRP" binding="tns:bindingWSRP">
         <soap:address location="http://myServer/myEndpoint"/>


Questions to the group:

- Is it ok to assume that the fact that portA and portB are part of the
same service implies that they are used to access the same WS-Resource?
Is this something that needs to be added to the App notes?

- If each of the portTypes (foo:A and bar:B) have resource properties
documents defined (respectively foo:resPropA and bar:resPropB) is it ok
to assume that by invoking GetResourcePropertyDocument I will get back a
document that contains the properties defined in both foo:ResPropA and
bar:resPropB)? Should we make this clear in the spec?

- How do we address the case where resource properties are defined but
no operation is defined by the associated portType? Do we have a binding
for an empty portType and a port for this service?

Once we answer these questions (and any other that might be raised by
this example WSDL) I suggest that the primer include an example like
this one for users who do not want to be forced to use the copy/paste
method for aggregating portTypes.



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