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Subject: Groups - WS-RMD for PR (wsrf-ws_resource_metadata_descriptor-1.0-spec-wd-07.doc) uploaded
The document named WS-RMD for PR (wsrf-ws_resource_metadata_descriptor-1.0-spec-wd-07.doc) has been submitted by Mr. Daniel Jemiolo to the OASIS Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF) TC document repository. Document Description: I've done some extra cleanup and incorporated the comments from IR/TB/BM. Only a few minor edits are needed (i.e., who should I include on the TC list in the Appendix), but they do not affect the content of the spec. After I updated the WS-RP namespace to use the latest URI, I followed BM's suggestion and modified the WS-RMD namespace to use the same format. If I have applied the pattern incorrectly, please let me know. View Document Details: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrf/document.php?document_id=16535 Download Document: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrf/download.php/16535/wsrf-ws_resource_metadata_descriptor-1.0-spec-wd-07.doc PLEASE NOTE: If the above links do not work for you, your email application may be breaking the link into two pieces. You may be able to copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your web browser. -OASIS Open Administration
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