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Subject: Groups - WSRF Teleconference modified
WSRF Teleconference has been modified by Dr David Snelling Date: Monday, 20 February 2006 Time: 12:00pm - 01:30pm ET Event Description: Call-in details: US (toll free) 866-505-4412 UK (toll free) 0800 279 9193 Int'l (toll) +44-20-7019-0808 Passcode: 268450 Agenda: 1. Roll Call - chair 2. Confirm minute taker - chair 3. Approve minutes of Feb 06 telecon - chair 4. Call for AOB - chair 5. Action Review - chair (All) Review of the report which is posted. - Dave gave verbal comment on the last call; no other comments. This report was submitted as part of the final materials to OASIS. (DaveS + ???) Review unclean RMD (Everyone else also to review if possible). Carried fwd from 23rd January. (Ian & Jem) Review Appnotes. (Everyone else also to review if possible). Carried Forward from 23rd January - Done. (BryanM) Re-open issue 119 to review name of MetadataDescriptor element. (BryanM) Close issues 120, 155, 163. (TimB) Raise new issue on RMD. 6. New Issues See mail from Tim: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrf/email/archives/200602/msg00014.html 7. Status check (RMD and AppNotes) 8. Discuss open issues. 9. AOB 10. Straggler Roll Call Minutes: This event is one in a list of recurring events. Other event dates in this series: Monday, 02 May 2005, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 16 May 2005, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 06 June 2005, 01:00pm to 02:00pm ET Monday, 13 June 2005, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Monday, 27 June 2005, 12:00pm to 01:00pm ET Monday, 11 July 2005, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 25 July 2005, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 08 August 2005, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 22 August 2005, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 05 September 2005, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 19 September 2005, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 03 October 2005, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 17 October 2005, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 31 October 2005, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 14 November 2005, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 28 November 2005, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 12 December 2005, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 26 December 2005, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 09 January 2006, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 23 January 2006, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 06 February 2006, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 06 March 2006, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 20 March 2006, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 03 April 2006, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 17 April 2006, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET Monday, 01 May 2006, 12:00pm to 01:30pm ET View event details: http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrf/event.php?event_id=7756 PLEASE NOTE: If the above link does not work for you, your email application may be breaking the link into two pieces. You may be able to copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your web browser.
BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Kavi Corporation//NONSGML Kavi Groups//EN X-WR-CALNAME:My Calendar BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:MEETING STATUS:TENTATIVE DTSTAMP:20060220T000000Z DTSTART:20060220T170000Z DTEND:20060220T183000Z SEQUENCE:23 SUMMARY:WSRF Teleconference DESCRIPTION:Call-in details:\nUS (toll free) 866-505-4412\nUK (toll free) 0800 279 9193\nInt'l (toll) +44-20-7019-0808\nPasscode: 268450\n\nGroup: OASIS Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF) TC\nCreator: Dr Ian Robinson URL:http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrf/event.php?event_id=7756 UID:http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrf/event.php?event_id=7756 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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