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Subject: Preliminary Minutes of 2/03/04 WSRM TC Teleconference

The prelim minutes are attached.

Please post corrections to the list.

Tom Rutt		email: tom@coastin.com; trutt@fsw.fujitsu.com
Tel: +1 732 801 5744          Fax: +1 732 774 5133

Title: Draft Agenda to WSRM TC Conference Call – May 06, 2003

Prelim Minutes WSRM TC Conference Call – Feb 03, 2004


The meeting of the WSRM TC took place by teleconference 
Tuesday Jan 27 2004, from 5:30 to 6:45 PM Eastern Standard Time
(UTC - 5)

0         Draft Agenda:

Draft Agenda to WSRM TC Conference Call

1 Roll Call

2 Minutes Discussion

2.1 Appointment of Minute Taker

2.2 Approval of previous meeting minutes –  

3 Discussion of New Orleans Meeting and Conference papers

4 Discussion of Action Items - http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsrm/download.php/5090/Action%20Item%20List%20from%20Jan%20Face%20To%20Face%20Meeting.htm

5 Discussions of Issues


Agenda approved

1         Roll Call


First Name

Last Name



Voting Level




Booz Allen Hamilton




Prosp Member






Choreology Ltd





Cyclone Commerce














TC Chair


























NEC Corporation





NEC Corporation

























Sun Microsystems





Sun Microsystems



Meeting was quorate.

2         Minutes Discussion

2.1      Appointment of Minute Taker

Tom Rutt will take minutes.


Doug will record issue resolutions.

2.1      Approval of previous meeting minutes

Jacques moved to accept the Jan 27   minutes. Bob Freund  seconded.
No opposition, f2f  minutes approved.


3         Discussion of New Orleans Meeting and Conference

Tom Rutt received the following mail from Oasis Staff:

Hello Chairs,


This is the preliminary schedule that we have for TC meetings in New

Orleans. As you can imagine, we need to guarantee a quantity of sleeping

rooms in order to get the meeting room space at no charge, so it's important

that I get a final commitment. Please confirm the number of TC members that

have booked their rooms and please confirm the meeting times for your TC. I

can not confirm meeting rooms until reservations are made. Also, please let

me know if you need 1/2 day instead of full day, plan to meet from

8:00am-12:00pm or 1:00-5:00pm. Thank you for your prompt reply.




25 April

26 April

27 April

28 April

29 April









Small Room 1--Audubon (holds 18)




OASIS Board (10)

OASIS Board (10)


Large Room 2--Balcony I (holds 30)




WSRM TC (10)

WSRM TC (10)


Large Room 3 Balcony L(holds 30)




Electronic Court Filing TC (13)

Electronic Court Filing TC (13), Integrated Justice Legal XML (30)

Large Room 4--Balcony M (holds 30)




Emergency Management TC (15) 8-12PM;  ebXML Registry TC 1:00-5:00PM  (6)

WS-CAF TC (15-20)


Small Room 5--Beauregard (holds 18)





ebXML Registry TC (6)


Large Room 6--Balcony N(holds 30)




WS-CAFTC  8:00-12:00 (15); ebXML CPPA 1:00-5:00PM



Small Room 7--Jackson (holds 18)




ebXML Messaging TC (10-12)

ebXML Messaging TC (10-12)









Waiting List; LI-XML, WSDM


























Last Updated 2/03/04



The eb-xml group did not make a decision.  They may want to share meeting space.


Doug asked if there are other TCs to have a discussion with. 


Doug suggested a short joint meeting with ebXml message group.  Up to ˝ day would be ok.


Pete stated that the best approach for WS security would be through a request for review.


Tom Will contact chair of ebXML messageing group.


Perhaps a ˝ day joint meeting.


Dee’s messaged stated they expanded the block of reservations.


Marriott New Orleans.


Conference is Monday and Tuesday and wed and thurs are TC meeting.


April 26 is the Monday.


Need to discuss finalization of panel.


Jacques will send a proposal out to the entire list for a panel discussion.


One panel on implementation of WS-R.  This would comprise WS-R TC members.  This remains pending.


Another panel idea suggested was on compatibility with other complimentary specs.  How does WS-R fit in ecosystems of other specs.  People outside our committee would be interested in this.


Jacques has sent out another idea, overlapping with implementation panel idea.  “Value and limits of reliability in messaging”.  Affect of network conditions.  What are deployment constraints?


Now have three panel ideas, each 60 minutes, with panelists chosen.


Name and/or roles for panelists need to be put on the proposal by the Feb 9. Q & A vs short presentations.


Jacques will broadcast this panel submission to the list.


Jacques, we may want to propose additional panelist beyond our members.


Other two panels: no volunteers.


Peter Furnis, Chorealogy might submit a paper to the conference.  Relations to transactions.  This might fit in as part of the panel.


They may be doing a paper on transactions.  They might be interested in contributing to this discussion.  


Jacques will send out today.  Jacques volunteered to make the final proposal coordinator.


Sunil sent in a paper request.


One panel, Jacques to coordinate. 


4         Discussion of Action Item Status from Jan F2F meeting

Action Item List Status - from Jan Face To Face Meeting



1.      ACTION: Need to ensure faults in general being Cleaned up  Sunil will try to get a proposal to clean up fault text before the end of the F2f.. - DONE

2.      Action: Iwasa to apply changes for reo 44, then we will change status after done – done 3.1.1.

3.      Action: Iwasa is to produce a change barred version of all the changes made from the 1-06 document.  Use compare documents under Edit to do it. - done

4.      ACTION: Sunil took action to come up with additions to the model text for section 2.1 by Friday. – Done Suni updated section 2 for polling

5.      ACTION: Jacques will make a proposal to fix these group semantic concerns. Done, sent proposed updated wording to Iwasa, which he has consolidated in last spec draft. See section 2.2 ("Groups of messages and message identity").


6.      ACTION: Iwasa needs to remove the sentence on the description of invalidExipiryTime stating it is sent when the message expires. – done at 4

7.      ACTION: Iwasa has to factor in the new syntax for the message Id schema in section 3.3.  The sections need to be rearranged since some items have been changed from elements to attributes., and some of the names have changed - done

8.      ACTION: Sunil will provide text to include in the specification for what is not covered by existing protocol for request/response support. – done, see AI 9

9.      ACTION: Sunil will put a statement in a note regarding reply pattern for one-way wsdl operations, to add to the operation/replypattern table. Done – text needs to be incorporated by Iwasa.

Last para in 2.9 needs to be recast as footnote on Supported entries in the request resonse row.


10.  ACTION: Iwasa will change MAY OPTIONAL for parameters to use cardinality instead, for the entire document. – open

11.  ACTION: Sunil will provide a complete spec of the wsdl extension feature before we decided on the resolution. Action Item closed, will discuss Issue later.

Done Sunil sent in updated proposal to list To discuss as part of resolution to issue 49.

Sunil has recast his text in the mail.

WS-Capability Text from Jacques, not yet put in the spec.   To be incorporated.

12.  ACTION; Sunil will incorporate the processing faults into his fault proposal for review on Friday morning. – done see AI 14


13.  ACTION: Iwasa to change, in the first sentence of definition of guranteed delivery to: “A message submitted to the sending rmp with guaranteed delivery requested, will either be delivered by the receiving rmp, or the sending rmp will notify the submitter of failure. “ – done section 2.3

14.  ACTION: Sunil will provide a new section 4, - done


15.  Action: Iwasa to add sentence: This element has cardinality zero or 1 in the rm-request message. – done in 3.3

16.  ACTION: Iwasa to add explanation for the table rows in Section 3: e.g., for cardinality: “cardinality is a constraint on the number of instances of an item type which may be present in an enclosing item.” - Done

17.  Action: Iwasa will finish updating section 3 to fully reflect the syntax changes for message references. - done

18.  Action: Sunil will update the schema. – done and put in latest spec

19.  ACTION :Sunil will come up with text to resolve this issue on clarification of Poll semantics.. – done,.


20.  ACTION: Iwasa will add sub-section to section 3 for Fault element. – Sunil and Jacques will help Iwasa  Done in 3.5, but this is only for soap 1.1.  Needs some refinement.  Leave open

21.  ACTION: Sunil will update to have the soap 1.2 mapping of ws-reliability will not use the rm:fault element, but instead will use the soap 1.2 Subcode element. Done

22.  ACTION: Iwasa will put soap 1.2 statement in the new section in 3 on rm:fault element. – still open

23.  ACTION: Sunil will incorporate amended fault proposal into the Schema and into the new text for section 4. Done see AI 14


24.  ACTION: Iwasa will update section 3 to accommodate the new fault proposal – Same as Action Item 20. – Close as duplicate

25.  ACTION: Sunil add text that a response to a poll may not coexist with a rm:request header.  Done see AI 19


26.  ACTION: Iwasa make the changes requested by Jacques for section 2 lead in. - done


27.  ACTION: Jacques will add clarification of sender/receiver synch of termination  criteria for his homework on clarifying group termination. Done, provided to Iwasa as an updated draft, where the Group termination section has been significantly reworded.

28.  ACTION: Iwasa will start working on new examples. – still open.  Sunil will send the roughed out schema examples.  Tom Will help send the examples to Iwasa.  Still Open Sunil will send out new schema at the end of this meeting.  Examples in section 2 and 3 are done.  Some examples still need to be added for section 5. Partially open

29.  Action: Editors will produce up to date issues list by the next meeting. done

The action items were reflected.


New issues list posted by Mark G as



Iwasa has reflected the agreements to date.


What about another draft.


Some editorial things.


The optionality was complete.

5         Discussion of Issues

5.1      Issue 49 WSDL Annotation

Non normative example of WS reliability capabilities text to Iwasa.


This issue can be considered accepted.


Doug: if at this meeting we decide to accept sunil’s text.


Doug: I am unclear about the point of this.  If it is a non normative example, I do not understand how it improves interoperability.


Doug, having not seen the detailed words, I am not clear how the capabilities is cast.


If it is listed as things that people could agree to: I do not see the need.


Jacques, the concept of capabilities is part of the entire understanding of WS-Reliability.


The intent on the lines on capability was to give more structure to what sunil was proposing in the annex.  It helps to understand what sunil does.


Sunil, the intention is to have it be useful.  Do not want it to be normative.


Doug, my concern is unnecessary complication of this specification.  This orthogonal work is going to be another point people will get tripped up reading it.


Normative text: exchanges will occur in context of agreements, work is ongoing in a number of forums to standardize ways to attain agreement.


Alan: I agree with Doug, to avoid confusing the user.


Jeff M: how about use the WSDL 2 proposal for Features.  At the W3C there was proposal to enhance the proposal.  Feature and properties is progressing.


Jacques: one way to get this addition of wsdl is to make it normative.  The notion of capability might we several ways, if in WSDL this is how it should be done.


Need way to specify capabilities.


Jacques, send text to list as a whole.  He lumped it to


If we decide the


Peter: Assigning a name space makes it unique.


Jeff: Putting the schema in the OASIS namespace does make it normative.


Peter : if it we think it works, we could put it on.


Leave it open.


Discuss this on the list.


5.2      Ack and Fault Response Contents

Sunil sent email:

I like to suggest that we add an attribute by name messageType to the

 response Header element to easily distinguish a RM-Fault message with

 an RM-Ack. Message. Currently we need to check for the existence of

 the Fault Header (for SOAP 1.1_ to distinguish an Ack. To a Fault.

 This is some what tedious and instead having a simple attribute with the type

 of the message will make it simpler and less error prone.


 This attribute can have any one of the following 2 values: Acknowledgment or Fault.


 We have 2 ways to go wrt optionality:


 1) Make it mandatory and require that every message has the type mentioned.

 2) Make it optional and default to Acknowledgment.


 I prefer Option (2)


 Issue Editors,


 Could you please add this a new issue?.


Sunil Rel-xyz is the text for the new issue.


We will add new issue.


Put pointer to mail before sending out.


Rel 114 for this.


Iwasa was trying to add examples. In his example the fault did not have the response element.


The fault alone does not have the refToMessage pointer.


Could element messageType, with values ack or fault.


Make it mandatory attribute or default.


Doug: I have been confused by flurry of emails.  We got rid of message type

Because we had a fair number of use cases with requests and responses combined in the same message.


Not currently clear what the spec implies.


Cannot enforce that errors may come back without reliable message header.


Doug needs to re-ask question.


Text stated that fault is for one message only.


If ref to message


This is an optimization to put ResponseType indication in the response header.


Doug is concerned that this is an early optimization and complicates things necessarily.


Sunil: without this it complicates further.


Leave open discuss on list.


Meeting does Agree that you have to send response header with fault.  The remaining question is whether the response header needs a response type attribute.


5.3      Rel 106 Group termination after delivery


Should a reciever only update group termination value for messages which are delivered?


Tom Rutt took action item to initiate discussion on email list to resolve this issue.

5.4      Rel 108 Clarify semantics of polling


Clarify that reply to a poll only includes succesfully delivered messages.


Several members stated that this has already been resolved with clarifications in the current editor’s draft.  In particular we added a clarification that a Poll may be done for messages which were send by other reply patterns. 


The meeting ran out of time to verify this.


We can close this issue next meeting if we verify that the clarifications for polling semantics are indeed in the most recent editor’s draft.


Meeting closed at 7:00 Eastern Time.

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