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wsrp-interfaces message

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Subject: Re: [wsrp-interfaces] [wsrp][interfaces]

The interesting question here is what does "going out of scope" mean?  As producers invalidate sessions through lack of use consumers by definition will not find out a session is invalid in a timely manner.  User logoff as you suggest may be the ultimate defintion of going out of scope -- however don't we need to give the consumer the freedom to define this lifetime so it can best manage its resources?  Alejandro's sugegstion that the session encode timeout information is an intersting one that at least gives the consumer bounds to work with.

By the way, I didn't understand your staetment:

My understanding from the discussion is that having the Producer return the
session reference to the Consumer is primarily a performance concern that
allows the Producer to lookup the correct state.
Are you saying that the session reference was invented to allows a producer to locate its state in a efficient manner?  Or that using sessions improves performance? Or ???

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