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Subject: Re: [wsrp-interfaces] [wsrp][interfaces] Agenda 7/11
Mike, thanks for the head start. The clarification you've requested follows. It's a mix of the (a) and (b) options you have described. There are two types of URLs, action URLs and URLs with no action. An action URL will invoke the action handler and then the markup handler. An URL with no action will invoke only the markup handler. Both the action handler and the markup handler receive the client request parameters. So in both cases (action or non-action URLs) the markup handler receives the client request parameters. This allows a portlet to do all its processing and markup generation within the markup handler. This enables interoperability with servlets/JSPs in a very simple way (Servlets/JSPs do not differentiate between action and rendering; they have a single entry point, the service method). If we can align this between the two specifications, it would be much easier for them to leverage each other. Thanks and regards. Alejandro > ... > > b) JSR 168 compatibility: The current consensus in the JSR 168 expert > group is that [initial] request parameters are available not only to the > action handler but also the render handler. Actions, in JSR 168 don't > return markup -- hence aren't conveniently implemented using > JSPs/servlets. The expert group wants to allow the existing web > application programming style where action and rendering are handled > together to be supported hence the above proposal. Unfortunately, this > seems in conflict with WSRP which says that actions are the only > recipient of client request parameters. We need to discuss how we can > align the two proposals. > > Alejandro can you clarify the following? > > Note: Its not clear to me whether the JSR 168 consensus is: > a) all URLs are represented as actions. However the client > request parameters sent to the action handler are also in turn sent > to the getmarkup handler. OR > b) there are two types of URLs: actions and render URLs -- > Action URLs work as described by WSRP -- i.e. client parameters sent > to the action handler but not the getmarkup handler. A Render URL > is functionally the same as an action URL in that it represents a > user data submission (action), however the call is sent to the > getMarkup handler directly bypassing any action handling. > > > -Mike- >
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