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Subject: Re: [wsrp-interfaces] Groups - Import_Export.html uploaded


In reading through this proposal, the following questions arose:

1. Under "Basic Goals" you talk about the Consumer receiving the portlet state needed to create a new portlet with equivalent state from a different Consumer. My first impression is that it is too early to declare the needed information to just be the portlet state the protocol currently defines and confusing if this reference is meant to be broader.

2. Accordingly to the comments in #1, the assumption (in "Acquiring Portlet State") that the Consumer has all the information it needs to fully package and redeploy itself when it has access to the optional portletState field is a stretch. Even when the Producer sends this optional field, it is not required to be the full portlet state nor guaranteed to be all the information needed to create an equivalent clone.

3. I understand the comments you make about desiring to extend the current API, but am concerned that this effort will result in situations where the semantics are difficult to use to accomplish the means. As a result, the first question I would ask is whether the new portlet factory sequence (conceptually export/package/deploy/import) needs to build off the current factory sequence (publish/find/bind/clone). If there is no need to conceptually align these factory mechanisms, then I would not align them unless we are certain that the alignment will make it easy for implementations to implement the multiple factory mechanisms without loss of intended function. I am not convinced (though am open) that this will be true. Asa result, I would prefer exploring what this would look like if it were an export operation that returned an array containing the requestedPortletHandle and exportedPortletState (an opaque representation of whatever the Producer will need to recreate the portlet) and an import operation that accepted such an array and returned an array with requestedPortletHandle and newPortletContext. This would allow us to explore the semantics without being stressed about what impact it would have on current APIs and then explore at the end whether any of the resulting definitions can reasonably be collapsed into the current APIs.



07/01/2004 12:25 PM

[wsrp-interfaces] Groups - Import_Export.html uploaded

The document Import_Export.html has been submitted by Michael Freedman (Michael.Freedman@oracle.com) to the WSRP Interfaces SC document repository.

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