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Subject: Update Re: [wsrp-markup] Uploaded CSS REV 8

Title: Update Re: [wsrp-markup] Uploaded CSS REV 8
OK I will turn on track changes and line numbers. Because today is a wash with other meetings, it looks like late Thursday for the CSS REV 9 update of the update but I'm still shooting for Friday afternoon for the 1.1 spec proposal. I will include Walter's proposal for VXML if he has it ready. This will be a strawman proposal for discussion during the Markup Time Slot with the aim of that session being how much to do for 1.1, which will probably not be much because due to lag in VXML from W3C but Walter may surprise us with a workable proposal for inclusion in 1.1. but I doubt that simply because we have not had time to work on an actual proposal components. From the CSS, Markup Fragment side little is ready,  but little was needed with so much being included  in the current spec. What we have seems to be working well enough that we have not had proposals, samples, problems submitted. The only leftover item is Noah's old portlet proposal from Vignette which is all that was done for CSS Tabs, and I will try to condense that down to the bare essentials for Tabs only and massage it to fit the spec as written. Also, since we now don't have the samples I was hoping for, I will also do a slightly more legible set of examples based on what is in the spec now, but more legible.

Lastly, I will try to get to the W3C VXML WG chairs introduction after this batch of work and before the F2F.


At 2:21 PM -0500 2/17/04, Rich Thompson wrote:
ok ... I would suggest turning on track changes to make it easier for people to identify changes you are asking them to review.

And I agree that people are much more forth-coming with their opinions as deadlines approach.


Rex Brooks <rexb@starbourne.com>
02/17/2004 03:15 PM
Rich Thompson/Watson/IBM@IBMUS, wsrp-markup@lists.oasis-open.org
Re: [wsrp-markup] Uploaded CSS REV 8

Hi Rich, Everyone,

Yup. That's the plan. I am copying the markup list with this reply because, in my haste to get to another meeting this morning, I neglected to mention that I added Tabs, as well as deleting Anchors, and to let everyone know that I really do need any input very soon for this accelerated timeline. I do have all of my notes, but I know that conclusions and opinions sometimes change.

I have a feeling that those opinions and conclusions are likely to get expressed as soon as anything appears in danger of getting finalized. ;^)


P.S. I'm likely to send out the updated version of this before Friday, since I need to this first in any event.

At 12:17 PM -0500 2/17/04, Rich Thompson wrote:
Hi Rex,

Are you referring to all the questions that had been captured in this relatively old document? If so, I would note that it had stopped being maintained when the first draft of the spec section was put together. I don't think anyone ever went back to either check that we had walked through all the questions raised during those early discussions or to insert any answers arrived at during the v1 deliberations. Is that what you are intending to lead the SC through as a prelude to updating the spec section (obviously on an accelerated timeline :} )?


Rex Brooks <rexb@starbourne.com>
02/17/2004 12:25 PM
[wsrp-markup] Uploaded CSS REV 8

Hi Folks,

This is the table of CSS classes we have identified, minus the anchor
class which we dropped, and it includes the questions we have never
answered because we thought we would have a set of rendered samples
to aid our choices. Lacking that or any additional input from member
companies, I will answer the questions as best I can and put together
a draft for the spec section relevant to CSS classes. If you have
questions, comments and/or suggestions, please let me know soonest. I
plan to send the final version of this with the hypothetical spec
language Friday.

Rex Brooks
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
W3Address: http://www.starbourne.com
Email: rexb@starbourne.com
Tel: 510-849-2309
Fax: By Request

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Rex Brooks
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
W3Address: http://www.starbourne.com
Email: rexb@starbourne.com
Tel: 510-849-2309
Fax: By Request

Rex Brooks
GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
W3Address: http://www.starbourne.com
Email: rexb@starbourne.com
Tel: 510-849-2309
Fax: By Request

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