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Subject: RE: [wsrp-pfb] [UDDI #4] WSRP_v1_Bindings tModel equals WSRP_Producer t Model?

Title: RE: [wsrp-pfb] [UDDI #4] WSRP_v1_Bindings tModel equals WSRP_Producer t Model?

For me the WSRP_v1_Bindings says two things:

1. This service is for version 1.0 of the WSRP specification (interface signature and semantics)
2. This service is described by a wsdl document. The details of how to select the actual protocol binding is delegated to the referenced wsdl document.

Also requiring the more abstract WSRP_Producer implies that we will have other specification versions and other ways to select protocol bindings in future (new best practice). I would note that a (WSRP v1 SOAP based) consumer can search directly for WSRP_v1_Bindings so the extra tModel is mainly a publishing overhead for now.

Would it help to make 2 more explicit, e.g. WSRP_Producer + WSRP_v1_WSDL_Binding?

Another options would be to separate 1 and 2:

WSRP_v1_Producer + WSRP_WSDL_Binding or just WSRP_WSDL_Binding (but consumer would have to parse our naming convention to discover version info).


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Jacob [mailto:richard.jacob@de.ibm.com]
Sent: 21 January 2004 15:46
To: wsrp-pfb@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [wsrp-pfb] [UDDI #4] WSRP_v1_Bindings tModel equals
WSRP_Producer t Model?

While thinking in detail about the Producer publishing it come to my mind
that the both tModels logically mean the same.
Indeed the WSRP_v1_Bindings tModel indicates that a web service conformant
to the WSRP v1 spec is providing at least the mandatory WSRP SOAP Bindings
This *is* the WSRP v1 Producer. We don't need the extra Producer Tag.

It seems to me that we can safely melt down the Producer tModels to just
I would suggest the following tModel:

    <tModel tModelKey="${TMODELKEY_WSRP_V1_PRODUCER}">
     <description xml:lang="en">
       The purpose of this tModel is to indicate a web service is
    implementing at least the mandatory
       WSRP v1 PortTypes and exposes at least the mandatory WSRP v1 SOAP
       BindingTemplates referring to this tModel provide the Service
    Implementation WSDL URL
       containing the actual service endpoints in the accessPoint element,
    i.e. the WSDL is the
       authoritative source for the service endpoints.



Or did I miss something?

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / best regards,

        Richard Jacob
IBM Lab Boeblingen, Germany
Dept.8288, WebSphere Portal Server Development
Phone: ++49 7031 16-3469  -  Fax: ++49 7031 16-4888
Email: mailto:richard.jacob@de.ibm.com

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