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Subject: FW: User to User Kerberos

Title: FW: User to User Kerberos

When the draft which refers to user-to-user Kerberos is in a state worthy of review we need to pass it to IETF Kerberos working group or just IETF security distribution lists. See below. I think you will find the feedback very valuable.

Thanks, Tim.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Hartman [mailto:hartmans@mit.edu]
Sent: 04 May 2004 21:06
To: Tim Alsop
Cc: ietf-krb-wg@anl.gov
Subject: Re: User to User Kerberos

>>>>> "Tim" == Tim Alsop <Tim.Alsop@CyberSafe.Ltd.UK> writes:

    Tim> Hi, Is user to user Kerberos considered to be ok to use,
    Tim> broken or some other status ? I am not refering to u2u with
    Tim> GSS, just u2u with Kerberos tickets. The reason for asking is
    Tim> that this approach is being considered for WS-Security (Web
    Tim> Services Security) standard being progressed within OASIS WSS
    Tim> TC.

It is very challenging to  get right, but is not broken.

I'd recommend that any use of it be reviewed by this working group or
at least by the IETF security area.

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