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Subject: Re: [xacml] Feedback: My presentation at CSI Annual 2007 this week

I also want to mention that there was a presentation from Abbie (cannot 
remember 2005 or 2006) that basically answered the confusion about SAML2 
and XACML2, that I found online (did not use the material in my 
presentation as I saw it after I delivered).

This is the reason why I felt the need for a Focus Area for XACML (just 
like the one being done for SAML) that can group together presentations, 
articles etc.

Anil Saldhana wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I had a presentation at the Computer Security Institute (CSI) Annual 
> Conference 2007 in Washington DC on Tuesday (Nov.6). [1]
> Title: *Robust Web-Based Security Using OASIS SAML and XACML
> *There were lot of curious folks out there who wanted to learn more 
> about SAML 2 and XACML 2.
> There were some folks who were confused with the role of SAML2 in 
> XACML2 and whether there was a dependence on SAML2 for XACML. Plus can 
> SAML2 do its own authorization etc.  I think we have to do a better 
> job at educating folks about these questions (I know the answers and 
> have told the attendees).
> Regards,
> Anil
> [1] https://www.cmpevents.com/CSI34/a.asp?option=C&V=11&SessID=5757
Anil Saldhana
Project/Technical Lead,
JBoss Security & Identity Management
JBoss, A division of Red Hat Inc.

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