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Subject: Agenda - XDI TC Call Wed. 11/17 5PM-6PM Pacific / Thur. 11/18 9AM-10AM Japan
XDI TC Members and Observers: Although it is an unofficial call this week, I think it is important to try to continue the excellent discussion regarding the different XDI schema approaches. The following agenda proposes to limit this week's call to one hour with this as the only topic. Following is the date/time, call-in info, and agenda for the next XDI TC telecon, which is an UNOFFICIAL meeting: Date: Wednesday, 17 November 2004 USA / Thursday 18 November 2004 Japan Time: 05:00pm - 06:00pm Pacific Time / 9:00am - 10:00am Japan US Domestic Toll Free: 866.365.4406 Intl. Toll: (+1) 303.248.9655 Meeting ID: 6022117 ROLL CALL 1) CALL TO ORDER 2) CONTINUED DISCUSSION OF XDI SCHEMA DESIGNS Prior to the call Drummond will upload v2 of the "dataweb" schema that incorporates new ideas from Dave's "data envelope" proposal last week, together with new examples and an analysis of some of the differences. Other contributions to the discussion are welcome. 3) DISCUSSION ABOUT NEXT MEETING Given that next week's call will fall the morning before Thanksgiving in the U.S., we will quickly discuss whether we will hold next week's regular call or take it up again the following week.
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