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Subject: Minutes: Joint XRI & XDI TC Telecon Thursday 2007-03-08
Following are the minutes of the joint unofficial telecon of the XRI and XDI TCs at: Date: Thursday, 8 March 2007 USA Time: 10:00AM - 11:30AM Pacific Time Event Description: Weekly unofficial joint call of the XRI and XDI Technical Committees. ATTENDING Gabe Wachob Les Chasen Drummond Reed Giovanni Bartolomeo Wil Tan Andy Dale Marty Schieff (second half) AGENDA 1) REMINDER TO REGISTER FOR THE OASIS SYMPOSIUM AND XRI/XDI F2F MEETING Hotel and registration discount deadlines are approaching. See http://www.oasis-open.org/events/symposium/2007/index.php 2) IDENTITY SELECTOR SUPPORT FOR XRI Andy was able to join us to discuss integration points between CardSpace and XRI. He sees four integration points overall. The first two are Higgins-centric: * Rather than having your cardstore on your local machine, your cardstore is in the clouds. In this scenario, you can login to any machine with your XRI, which is resolved to your i-card service endpoint so you can access your card. * The second integration point is Higgins IdAS -- a framework for accessing identity-related data. Andy likens this to JDBC drivers, where you have to instantiate a concrete instance of a JDBC driver that works with a specific store, and once you have done that, you have a standard set of calls for getting/setting data from that source. Higgins calls these drivers "context providers", and they serve as the concrete connector classes for interacting with any data source (RDBMS, LDAP, file store, etc). From this standpoint, Higgins is using XRIs as a way to identify context providers. The others are more XRI-centric * We need to establish the URI (or XRI?) that can be used in CardSpace to identify an XRI as an claim inside an information card (i-card). It is an open issue as to whether there should be separate claims for reassignable XRIs (i-names) and persistent XRIs (i-numbers). * Another use case is providing an XRI as the value of *other* claims when the claim author wants to provide a dereferenceable pointer to the value rather than the value itself. (As Andy puts it, "classic XDI delivered via an i-card".) * Publishing an XRI as a claim in an i-card raises the issue of how one can verify this assertion. Of course one way to do that is with OpenID authentication (if the XRI supports an OpenID authentication service) or SAML authentication (if the XRI supports a SAML authentication service). Andy pointed out that there is another option of providing a signed third-party claim from the XRI registrar (i-broker) authoritative for registration of the XRI. The TC members discussed this last option and generally agreed that the issue of verification of a third-party claim about XRI authority may be out of scope for the TC and in scope for XRI registries and registrars such as XDI.org. # DRUMMOND to contact Kim Cameron, Mike Jones, and the CardSpace team to set up a meeting/telecon for the XRI TC to discuss with them the use of XRIs with CardSpace. Andy also noted that ooTao is bringing up an instance of the Higgins token service by the end of the week. # ANDY to send a notice to the XRI/XDI TC lists with a pointer when this is ready. Giovanni mentioned that he and his team are following the Higgins activity closely and is very interested in XRI and Higgins integration. 3) XRI SYNTAX 2.1 ABNF (MAIN TOPIC) The proposed ABNF is now the key gating item for XRI Syntax 2.1, on which both XRI Syntax 2.0 and XRI $ Dictionary 2.0 have a dependency. We reviewed the following wiki pages: http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xri/XriCd02/XriAbnf2dot1 http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xri/XriCd02/GlobalRefs The discussion included the following points: * Per Steve's and Drummond's messages to the list yesterday, one of the most important aspects of drafting the 2.1 syntax is gaining agreement on the "abstract syntax" upon which the ABNF is based. Drummond's proposal about the abstract syntax has been posted to the http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xri/XriCd02/XriAbnf2dot1 wiki page. The key recommendation is that whereas in 2.0 syntax we had assumed the abstract syntax was that a segment is a sequence of subsegments where in special cases delimiters are optional, in 2.1 it is proposed that a segment is a sequence of subsegments where delimiters are always required, preceeded by an optional starting value that is not delimited (and thus is not formally a subsegment). Drummond's view is that this explicit recognition of an optional starting value in the abstract syntax can eliminate a host of special rules in the 2.0 ABNF. * We also had a long discussion about the use of parentheses, parentheses normalization, and equivalence. We discussed the following examples (now listed on the http://wiki.oasis-open.org/xri/XriCd02/GlobalRefs page). #1A $(http://example.com)=gmb #1B $(http://example.com)*(=gmb) #1C $(http://example.com)!(=gmb) #2A $(http://example.com)=gmb*sub1 #2B $(http://example.com)*(=gmb*sub1) #2C $(http://example.com)!(=gmb*sub1) #3A $(http://example.com)*(=gmb)*sub1 #3B $(http://example.com)*(=gmb)!sub1 #4A $(http://example.com)*((=gmb)) #4B $(http://example.com)*(((=gmb))) In examples #1A/B/C and #2A/B/C, the XRIs would logically make sense to identify the same resource. The question is whether they should normalize to the same XRI. The current proposal is that all parentheses and delimiters are significant, and thus synonymity between any of these XRIs may only be established via local policy or resolution. # DRUMMOND to send an email to the list summarizing a proposal that all delimiters and parentheses be considered syntactically significant. Marty mentioned the idea of not considering ! syntactically significant, i.e., not a namespace. Drummond pointed out as long as ! is a namespace, XRI authorities can choose by local policy whether to make it synonymous with other local namespaces (i.e., whether examples #1A/B/C above would all be synonyms), but that losing this capability would prevent any XRI authorities from using ! as a namespace. 4) TOPICS FOR NEXT CALL We agreed to schedule two topics for the next call: * Next steps to closure on 2.1 abstract syntax, ABNF, and normalization rules for parentheses. * XRI Resolution 2.O WD 11 - Service Ref issue (#37) and any others.
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