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Subject: Re: [xdi] There WILL be an XDI TC telecon this week
Sorry but I'll be not available this week because I'm abroad for a conference (ESWC2011 and related events). Next week will be tricky as I'll come back to Rome in late evening on Thurs. However I'll send a message reporting feedback received during the poster presentation.
Kind Regards,
Def. Quota "Drummond Reed" <drummond.reed@xdi.org>:----------------------------------------------------------------
XDI TC Members and Observers:
I apologize for being "offlist" for the last few weeks -- the combination of
Internet Identity Workshop (Mountain View), European Identity Conference
(Munich), and Privacy/Identity/Innovation 2011 (Santa Clara) was just
overwhelming. Enough so I didn't even get out a meeting status note last
However we will return the regular weekly telecon schedule starting tomorrow
(Thursday), in the usual time slot, 1-2:30PM Pacific Time.
Please respond back to this message with any high-priority agenda topics,
and I will send out an agenda either late tonight or first thing tomorrow
Talk to you then,
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