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Subject: RE: [xliff] Problems validating XLIFF files with 2.0 schemas


I need to add a detail to Yves' comment. The validation problems are also caused by a typo in the change track schema. Its @type is set to xlf:appliesTo. This causes a validation error because xlf:appliesTo is restricted to source and target*. While appliesTo in the context of the change track module can apply to essentially any element**.

So I think you just need to change the change track schema from

<xs:attribute name="appliesTo" use="required" type="xlf:appliesTo"/>
<xs:attribute name="appliesTo" use="required" />

Otherwise the change track example would not be valid:

<revisions appliesTo="note" nid="n1" currentVersion="r1">



* appliesTo
    Comment target - indicates the element to what the content of the note applies.
    Value description: source or target.

** G.1.3.1 appliesTo
    appliesTo – Indicates a specific XLIFF element which is a sibling, or a child of a sibling element, to the change         track module within the scope of the enclosing element.
    Value description: Any valid XLIFF element which is a sibling, or a child of a sibling element, to the change track
    module within the scope of the enclosing element.

Subject: RE: [xliff] Problems validating XLIFF files with 2.0 schemas

    From: "Tom Comerford" <tom@supratext.com>
    To: "'Yves Savourel'" <ysavourel@enlaso.com>, <xliff@lists.oasis-open.org>
    Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 12:16:10 -0400

Hello Yves,

I’ve investigated the errors that you reported. Here’s what I can tell you so far:

1.       There are 3 errors with metadata.xsd and change_tracking.xsd. They can be resolved by adding the namespace declaration for core (xlf) and adding the import element to reference the core file.

2.       There is 1 issue with fs that suggests the fs.xsd module should exist. It’s not clear to me why this module went away.

3.       There is 1 issue in core with the placement of the #anyAttribute attribute for the note element. This entry should occur after all other attributes are specified.

4.       There are 32 issues in core, related to the slr namespace (size_restriction.xsd). I haven’t been able to duplicate these errors. One possible cause of these messages, worth checking, would be if the module is missing or otherwise inaccessible.

Apologies for the confusion. Once I resolve these, I also need to determine why I didn’t get these errors before committing the changes.



From: xliff@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:xliff@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Yves Savourel
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2013 08:19 AM
To: xliff@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [xliff] Problems validating XLIFF files with 2.0 schemas

Hi all,

I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I can't validate XLIFF 2.0 with Oxygen without getting errors in the schemas files.

I have xliff_core_2.0.xsd and in a modules folder I have: change_tracking.xsd, glossary.xsd, matches.xsd, metadata.xsd, resource_data.xsd, size_restriction.xsd, and validation.xsd.

All files comes from the links found in the csprd02 specification.

The lines below are some of the errors I'm getting.

Any ideas?



System ID: C:\Users\ysavourel\Downloads\xliff2\xliff_core_2.0.xsd

Main validation file: C:\Dev\OkapiXLIFF\master\trunk\deployment\maven\data\xliff-lib\samples\example.html.xlf

Schema: C:\Users\ysavourel\Downloads\xliff2\xliff_core_2.0.xsd

Engine name: Xerces

Severity: error

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