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xslt-conformance message

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Subject: Re: Minutes of 2000-06-05 XSLT/XPath Conformance Committee

Interpreting this as a motion, I second it for inclusion as an agenda
item, in the form of a motion to be voted, at the Phone meeting, under
approval of minutes.  

On Fri, 9 Jun 2000 David_Marston@lotus.com wrote:

> I think that these minutes should mention the following:
> 1. Higher-ups at NIST were present for part of the day and described OASIS
> efforts to improve conformance testing in general.
> 2. We began to explore how discretionary aspects of the XSLT processor
> implementation will be incorporated into the testing process. Those present
> were generally assuming that the comittee will devise a set of questions
> that represent the particular choices, and vendors would be encouraged to
> make public statements to answer each question.
> 3. Reports or discussions of this effort may happen ad-hoc at any XML
> conference where one or more committee members happen to be present.
> 4. The product of this commitee will have some form of
> intellectual-property protection.

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