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Subject: Proposed Agenda for Friday, August 7, 2009, 1:00pm ET XSPA TC call

Proposed Agenda

XSPA Conference Call

Friday, August 7, 2009, 1:00pm ET


Dial in info: +1 800 767 1750

Access code 97728 [i.e. XSPA T(C)]


1. Roll Call & Agenda Review


2. Approval of the Minutes of July 10, 2009:



3. Policy scope.  John Moehrke asks how is it known when all applicable policies have been gathered?  Several responses will be compared and discussed.



4: What is a consent policy.  Steven Meyer discussed the fundamental components of a consent policy. 

1. A human-readable  legal script; something like a pdf, scanned

document or pages that can be rendered somehow.  This defines the

contract that the patient sees and agrees to.

2. A machine-actionable policy that accurately and demonstrably reflects

the intentions of the legal script. This is where the XACML will apply,

and there is a definite need for further development here.

3. Meta-data to support the signing, control and management of the

document as a clinical document.  Since it refers to clinical

information it must be disseminated, updated, handled and protected like

any other clinical document.



5 Current status of the XACML and SAML Profiles.


6.  Statement of Use now required for membership ballot.



7.  Discussion XSPA Schema required for the profiles in the XACML TC and SSTC.


8.  Additional Discussion


9. Action Items





David Staggs, JD, CISSP (SAIC)

Veterans Health Administration

Chief Health Informatics Office

Emerging Health Technologies

Office: 858 433 1473


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