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Subject: Re: [cti-cybox] Update on the CybOX 3.0 effort

On 20.07.2016 13:26:39, Jerome Athias wrote:
> I can't remember where the Datatypes or Data Types are, but in case
> it could help
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc7012/?include_text=1

Hey, Jerome -

The CybOX object property data types are defined here [0]. Appreciate
the link to the IPFIX RFC. For CybOX, wherever possible we've
duplicated the STIX data type definitions, since keeping things
consistent across both specs makes implementer's lives easier. CybOX
also defines a number of additional data types not used in STIX.

Feel free to make suggestions in the CybOX Core spec but given the
short time remaining before we publish the drafts and the amount of
work that's gone into getting things to their present state, we'd need
a really compelling argument in order to justify significant changes
in the CybOX data type definitions.

[0]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PSGv6Uvo3YyrK354cH0cvdn7gGedbhYJkgNVzwW9E6A/edit#heading=h.fbffi5fz6dkd

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