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Subject: Draft Meeting Minutes for LwDITA Meeting for March 6, 2017


Minutes of the OASIS Lightweight DITA SC

Monday, 6 March 2017

Recorded by Keith Schengili-Roberts

In attendance: Michael Priestley, Carlos Evia, Rahel Bailie, Robert Anderson, Jan Benedictus, Don Day, Mark Giffin, Tim Grantham, Ullakaisa Kalander, Jonathan Piesecki, Keith Schengili-Roberts

Regrets: Birgit Strackenbrock, John Hunt, Alan Houser

Minutes from previous meeting were approved.



No announcements.


==Update on DITAweb status for Committee Note Review==

Kris Eberlein was unable to attend today's meeting, therefore this item was postponed until Carlos can check in with her and report back on this situation.


==Improve and Update XDITA DTDs on GitHub Repository==

Carlos made the motion to move current work on LwDITA from org.oasis.lwdita to org.oasis.xdita, which will be followed by org.oasis.mdita and org.oasis.hdita.

Motion seconded by Mark; motion carried.


==Discuss placement of note element in block elements==

This is with reference to https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita-lightweight-dita/201703/msg00001.html.  

To Do: Ullakaisa to add note element to li. Motion seconded by Rahel; motion carried.

Resolved: the note element can be used inside lists within LwDITA.


==Discuss the use of data element in block and inline elements==

This is with reference to https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita-lightweight-dita/201703/msg00000.html.  

One suggestion was to allow the data element everywhere it is currently allowed in DITA 1.3. The one main caveat is that it may have some problems when mapping this to HDITA, as the containment structures are not always the same.

Another suggestion was that the data element would be allowed both inline and as a block; this would make it the one element that is an exception to the current LwDITA rule of elements either being inline or block but not both.

A motion on the second suggestion was put forward by Keith, and seconded by Ulla; motion carried.

Resolved: the data element can act as either an inline or block element in LwDITA. So far it is the only element that can do this.


==Discuss the fnref element and containing elements==

fnref is (so far) the only non-multimedia element that is wholly new to LwDITA. It is designed for use as a footnote reference and is a specialization of xref, and so it would work in the same way as xref. Idea was endorsed in an email by Noz Urbina, saying that this element is required by both legal and banking in order to comply with regulations and legal guidelines. 

The fnref element needs to be addressed in the Committee Note; as of the last draft this is little information about it or how it is supposed to work.

Michael made a motion to implement fn and fnref. Mark seconded, motion carried.

Resolved: fn and fnref will definitely be part of LwDITA, and will be addressed in a future draft of the Committee Note.


==Revise map structure and elements==

It was agreed that we should wait on the review of LwDITA map structures until we get the committee review feature in DITAweb established.


==Other items==

Ulla had a question about the simpletable element not having title available to it. It was pointed out that perhaps fig could be used instead of title. Don pointed out that the real issue is better directed to a future version of full DITA to sort out rather than LwDITA.

Keith asked whether based MDITA in the CommonMark version of Markdown is sufficient, or whether we are asking Markdown users to use a melange of CommonMark, GitHub and YAML in order for MDITA content to be “valid”; in other words, must a valid MDITA topic consists of elements from these three Mardown flavours to be considered valid MDITA, or could an MDITA topic written solely in CommonMark still be considered MDITA?

Action item: Carlos to explore with topic ID can be expressed in CommonMark alone.

Action item: Keith will examine how popular the various Markdown flavours and how often development teams “mix and match” different flavours.






Keith Schengili-Roberts
Market Researcher and DITA Evangelist
825 Querbes, Suite 200, Montréal, Québec, Canada, H2V 3X1
tel  + 1 514 279-4942  /  toll free + 1 877 279-4942 

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