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Subject: Can you help with the DITA 1.2 Architectural Spec?

Dear OASIS DITA TC Member or Voting Member,

We have an urgent need for editorial help in completing the draft of the DITA 1.2 Architectural Spec. I ask that you consider offering whatever help you can in developing assigned portions of that content.  I would appreciate if you would consider volunteering to help, and let me know of your interest by next week's meeting.

The outline of work, as we understand it, was laid out last August by Jeff Ogden in the thread concluded by this note:


Resources and contacts for each of the accepted DITA 1.2 items are documented in the "Implementation Status 1.2" document here in the OASIS DITA TC's wiki:


Of course, the DITA TC's FrontPage document list these and other resources as well--I'll just point you generally there for the background you will need for this request.

Draft writing is one of the key ways to participate meaningfully in standards work, and I urge you to consider helping actively in this way so that the DITA TC can get the 1.2 Specification back on track for submission into the official approval process as quickly as we can.

Thank you for thoughtfully considering this request.

Don Day
Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee
Architect, Lightweight DITA Publishing Solutions

Email: dond@us.ibm.com
11501 Burnet Rd. MS9033E015, Austin TX 78758
Phone: +1 512-244-2868 (home office)

"Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?"
  --T.S. Eliot

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