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Subject: Bad V2 Schema Woes

Bad news vis our schema (latest one Dale posted) - frankly its train wreck!
XMLSpy reads it in without complaints - but lies to you!!
The structure it displays in its graphical view is not a true
picture of the actual structure in the schema syntax.
Everything is OK in Spy until you go look at RequestingBusinessActivity / DocumentEnvelope
and then you realize - when you look at the raw schema - that this is the structure (see below),
and that Spy gives up around ReceiptAcknowledgement:
At this point I have been able to create a fairly decent V2 BPSS - amended from the
V1.05+ BPSS - but now I'm at a loss here.
I tried three other schema parsers - and they all threw many many errors on the schema.
My personal prognosis is that we need to redo our schema to stop using all these
clever overlay and redefine features and keep it simple stupid!
Anyway - I've built what I believe is an excellent BPSS V2.0 XML instance - that appears
to do what it needs to from the business perspective - until the schema validation crashes
and burns!  Manually the XML instance looks fine.
This is not good.  I suggest we engage a Schema expert to run our schema thru all the
main schema tools and fix it until it works OK.
Why are ReceiptAcknowledgement and ReceiptAcknowledgementException showing up
as Elements anyway?!?  Seems daft - they should just be attributes - and we seem to have
deprecated  the attribute - timeToAcknowledgeAcceptance - but why?
Maybe there is a simple answer to this - like XMLSpy corrupted the original schema and
tossed attributes into elements and therefore there's a really simple fix.  Right now however
there's so many error messages coming out from the other schema parsers its impossible
to know where to start!
Thanks, DW


<xsd:restriction base="RequestingBusinessActivity">


<xsd:element ref="Documentation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<xsd:element ref="DocumentEnvelope"/>

<xsd:element name="ReceiptAcknowledgement" type="ReceiptAcknowledgementType"/>

<xsd:element name="ReceiptAcknowledgementException" type="ReceiptAcknowledgementExceptionType"/>

<xsd:element name="AcceptanceAcknowledgement" type="AcceptanceAcknowledgementType"/>

<xsd:element name="AcceptanceAcknowledgementException" type="AcceptanceAcknowledgementExceptionType"/>


<xsd:attribute name="retryCount" use="optional"/>

<xsd:attribute name="timeToAcknowledgeAcceptance" default="P6H"/>

<xsd:attribute name="timeToAcknowledgeReceipt" default="P2H"/>

<xsd:attribute name="isNonRepudiationReceiptRequired" default="true"/>

<xsd:attribute name="isNonRepudiationRequired" default="true"/>

<xsd:attribute name="isAuthorizationRequired" default="true"/>

<xsd:attribute name="isIntelligibleCheckRequired" default="true"/>



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