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ebxml-cppa-negot message

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Subject: NCPA v0.10 ActionContext not correct

Hi everonye

The binaryCollaboration attribute of each ActionContext in the second
CollaborationRole of each PartyInfo is incorrect:

Suggested changes 


<tp:ActionContext tp:binaryCollaboration="CPA Negotiation BC"
tp:businessTransactionActivity="CPA Counter Offer 2 BTA"


<tp:ActionContext tp:binaryCollaboration="CPA Negotiation Counter Offer
BC" tp:businessTransactionActivity="CPA Counter Offer 2 BTA"

Probably a copy paste error.

Seems to me like a general purpose XML editing tool (XMLSpy?) is used
instead of an ebXML BPSS/CPPA tool. Maybe there is a tool which takes a
BPSS and "generates" an initial CPP or an inital CPA. Maybe these tools
do not exist yet or are proprietary and hence not available for each
OASIS memeber. Or it is still too early for the ANCPA SC to get the XML
files right. Doesn't XMLSpy have a ebXML plugin?

Kind regards.


Sacha                                   Schlegel
4 Warwick Str, 6102 St. James, Perth,  Australia
sacha@schlegel.li                www.schlegel.li
public key:            www.schlegel.li/sacha.gpg

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