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Subject: Re: HM.interactions: initial questions

<Joseph Norris>
As HumanMarkup will provide informational resources based within schemas 
and other technologies, the issue becomes how can one make use of the data? 
In the emerging semantic web, information by itself is simply not enough. Context, 
inference, clarification, elucidation, and other value adding methods will allow any 
information to become enriched by HumanML. From internal human states and 
intentions, to cultural, historical, religious, or economic context, HumanMarkup 
will be able to add serious value to communications within the semantic web.

In any communications environment where information of any sort will be exchanged, 
HumanML should be able to harness open source technologies that are readily 
available to all. Since SOAP is essentially XML and HTTP, what else can be 
considered more useable for the transportation of HumanML data?
</Joseph Norris>

Hi All,

So would the semantic web function as a portal to a contextual data resource, or would 
this SOAP/HumanML data function as a portal to a selected part of the semantic web? 

My work with MTML was introduced to this group while in the process of me seeking a set 
of Dublin Core standards in the rdf-interest group. After reflecting more on Len Bullard's
observations, I have come to the conclusion that the meaning of any chunk of information, 
provided by an author, has two fundamental properties to it. The first property is the author's 
own meaning and context within the greater field. The second property is the greater field's 
perception of that information within the context of pre-defined parameters. So at this point 
I find myself desiring to gain a greater understanding of XML/SOAP. And I also find myself 
wondering if I'm now seeking, again, another set of standards. 

At this point I feel the need to drop back to a starting point in order to gather information 
that will give me a greater understanding of this subject. I must tell you that the idea of 
an enhanced semantic web is real interesting.

Thanks for your indulgence of my OT  yesterday,

Mark Brownell

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