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Subject: Re: HM.applications-Translations

> Mark Brownell wrote:
> > How about a selection option by the user to do a culturally equivalent
> > procedure in the search instructions. 

I've been reading the active thread and several people have been pointing out 
different ideas. It occurs to me that my idea that a semantic web would logically 
lead a person to a fuller representation of a topic or idea (URLs) that were provided 
by one or several authors. So this is where I get the idea that the semantic web is 
a smart search engine with a cultural filter possible at the query door, so to speak. 

I now am beginning to see it in an entirely different implementation, (although I don't 
know how) that the SW is a connected set of information objects that can be 
assembled based on the demands made upon it by an application. It would then 
be possible to assemble a new representation of the idea or topic. Am I correct 
in seeing the SW in this manner? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Niclas Olofsson 

"If I'm the author of the data, what's in it for me?"

I've always believed that if someone put something up on the internet, that they 
wanted others to see it. So maybe "Web" in "Semantic Web" doesn't really 
mean the internet. I'm thinking that a representation of information at a website 
was an author's representation of own thinking; that context, was the responsibility 
of the author's personal style. 

Happy trails,

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