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Subject: Re: HM.applications-Translations

>   [ :authorOf this;
>     :hu-author-profile "http://ismobile.com/niclas.olofsson-v-1_1.xml" ]

The URL would actually be in "<>" delimters, because it's a URI reference.
CWM has a built in function that can retrieve documents mentioned in one
RDF graph, and parse them into the root context (thus making the name
"Closed World Machine" a misnomer!). For example, you can search the
document that has been linked to for a certan triple, and then grab the
answers and parse it into the current document.

An example. Let's say that the document (the profile) that has been linked
to contains a bit of information about the name of the author, and we want
to retrieve that. The N3 rule for doing so would be something like:-

@prefix : <#> .
@prefix log: <http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/log#> .
{ [ :authorOf :x; :profile :y ] .
   :z is log:resolvesTo of :y .
   :z log:includes { this :author :p } }
log:implies { :x :profileAuthor :p } }
a log:Truth; log:forAll :x , :y , :z , :p .

Then, on recieving some data such as:-

   [ :authorOf this;
    :profile <http://example.org/profile> ] .

CWM would download the linked file, check it for an author, and if it

   this :author [ :name "Niclas" ] .

(with the "this" referring to the profile) it would return:-

   this :profileAuthor [ :name "Niclas" ] .

and store it in the root context (with the "this" referring to the instance
document... I hope). Simple example, and I haven't checked it out on CWM,
but it shows the principle.

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <http://webns.net/roughterms/> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <http://purl.org/net/sbp/> .

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