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legalxml-courtfiling message

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Subject: ECF 3.01 Schema Compilation Issues with dotNET

Jim, Thom, 

We (LexisNexis) have started work on a project based on ECF 3.01.

To start, we put together a little test harness to schema validate some
of the ECF 3.01 sample messages.
( MessageReceipt, Docketing, DocketingCallback, CaseQuery, CaseResponse,

We are using dotNET ( 2005 ) tools and have encountered some schema
compilation errors.

For example:  dotNET is unhappy with this definition of
PersonNameTextType in jxdm.xsd.

			<xsd:extension base="j:TextType">
ref="j:personNameInitialIndicator" use="optional"/>
		</xsd:complexContent >

It wants the definition to be this instead:

			<xsd:extension base="j:TextType">
ref="j:personNameInitialIndicator" use="optional"/>
		</xsd:simpleContent >

We believe this is because the underlying data type which is being
extended, a string, is not a complex data type. It is a simple data
type, and therefore the extensions must be restricted to simple content
as well.  

We tested this issue with Altova XML-Spy and, unfortunately, it did NOT
indicate anything was wrong with the schema. (I think it uses
Microsoft's MSXML as the underlying library.)

Nevertheless, we found these ECF definitions to have the same issue.

		AmountType in jxdm.xsd
		PolicyDefinedCodeTextType in ECF-3.0-ComonTypes.xsd

And, this is somewhat unrelated but, one of the sample messages we
tested failed to validate because of the syntax used to define an
'inline' schema.
ECF-3.0-CourtPolicyResponseMessage-Example.xml has this section:


The DotNET parser seems to be unhappy with the abbreviated syntax for
the in-line schema.  
When we changed the sample as follows, the issue seemed to be resolved:


Does this call for ECF 3.02?  or ECF 3.01.B?  
I have not yet been able to test all of the samples under dotNET to see
if there are other issues.

Also, perhaps this illustrates that LegalXML's  schema/message
validation tests are currently insufficient.
- Shane

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