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Subject: test documents


as you may have noticed, I've created a very modest test set (intended for
my own bughunting purposes, but perhaps someone else might want to 
reuse it) 

The most interesting files are probably the few ODF test documents here:


To be more specific:

- Simple "hello world files", with different "preferred view settings"

- Encrypted / password protected files (password "secret")

The "-urn" files use the "urn:..." notation for the algorithms, while the other
files use the short name ("SHA1", "Blowfish CFB")

The "keygen" files also explictly include the parameters for generating the
derived key

To encrypt the xml files of the ODF package, I've written a small groovy
script (../misc/odfencrypt.groovy), using BouncyCastle
Note, this is a very quick en dirty script :-)

Encryption was quite easy, I might add, just following the details outlined
in the ODF 1.2 draft, although few (office suites) actually support it... 
Especially the "urn..." notation seems to be an issue...

- Signed file

Using openssl's CA.pl, I've created a dummy CA and a dummy cert.
(../misc/dummycert.p12) and signed the file using another groovy script
I've written (../misc/odfsign.groovy)

Here I had to look at the example of the W3C XML-DSIG spec

Now, I did use ds: instead of xmlds: (more in line with XML-DSIG and 
for some reason if I use xmlds in my script, the xmlns:xmlds doesn't get
written out)

Anyway, I do this slightly different than OOo does, because I don't 
want to just copy OOo (although this is currently the only office suite I
know of that supports signing ODF to some extent... but I think it could
be improved)

So, if someone else would have an implementation supporting either
encryption or digital signatures, it might be interesting to check out
the files mentioned above, or to create similar test documents for
testing interoperability and/or discuss the implementation of these
features ...

Best regards,


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