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Subject: [provision] F2F#1 Summary



Firstly, I must again express my apologies for not being able to host the con-call today.  At the very last moment (like at 11pm last night) I had to pull flights forward to get to CA from Austin.  I truly hope this does not imply we have lost 2 weeks – it should not.  I believe the action items and materials produced by the working group that met in Austin last week constitutes the body of what we needed to discuss and I didn’t have that ready anyway ;-(


This note provides a very brief summary of the informal F2F#1 meeting held last week in Austin.  Several action items came out of our efforts.  Where appropriate I will be creating individual threads on each of these, so look out!  The materials we produced largely fall into the category of “input” to a wider and more detailed requirements thread or sub-committee that we need to form immediately. All of the notes, images and general stuff will be on the web-site as soon as I can get it all out to Winston.  For now here is an abstract and details of the action items:


Meeting Abstract


·        A small working group of committee members met in Austin 11/12th Feb 2002 to kick-start the next steps of the PSTC process.  An outline of the expanded agenda ppt slides with be available on the PSTC web site

·        Most of the time was spend discussing use-cases and requirements.  It became very clear that we needed to take the discussion down a layer from the pre-submitted UC’s and look at the basic types of operations we were trying to model in those UC’s.  We produced a large brain-dump of requirements, models and ideas that will feed directly into the UC/requirements process

·        It became very clear that we have a long way to go and that we need to get things moving at a faster pace

·        Several committee recommendations/motions have been put forward.  These are summarized in the action items above


Action Items

·        DR - Submit committee proposal for F2F dates in March and May

·        DR - Submit committee proposal for formation of a use-case requirements editorial role and possibly a sub-committee

·        DR – Submit committee proposal for a Business Evangelism sub committee to do things like promote PR and solicit involvement of vendors that produce the PST’s to support SPML.  Also to produce a business-use paper that talks specifically to the business benefits of this effort

·        GS – Provide notes and outline from meeting

·        DR – Investigate 30-day submission issue for Q4 OASIS board review of standard

·        ?? – Investigate/explore possible use of SAML assertions for established principal queries and generally if/how/when SAML fits with this effort

·        DR – Arrange reporter roles within committee to investigate the following:

o       ASN.1 MIB->XML

o       CIM/XML initiative

o       OASIS CIQ

o       OASIS ebXML/ W3C Web Services Architecture WG

o       SOAP security

o       Others ???

·        DR – Create formal issues list from meeting

·        DR – Take digital photo’s of the 3M flip-chart frenzy posted all over the walls by the time the meeting had finished ;-)

·        WB – Create dedicated area on web-site for F2F#1 materials

o       Meeting notes

o       Meeting diagrams

o       Pictures of flip-charts

o       DR meeting presentation


Darran Rolls  
MSIM  drolls_waveset@hotmail.com
AIM    drollswaveset
YIM    drolls_waveset

PGP    0x8AC67C6F


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