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Subject: RE: [regrep] Issues with extramural Association

no your analogy did not help me in any way to understand your position or to
convince me to accept this proposal.  joel

-----Original Message-----
From: Farrukh Najmi [mailto:farrukh.najmi@sun.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 10:55 AM
To: regrep@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: [regrep] Issues with extramural Association

Munter, Joel D wrote:

>I would not
>want someone to stake a claim to having some association to my company and
>force me to do something about it to keep that invisible.  

Just to clarify...

Under the proposed change all Associations will always be visible to 
everyone (barring a custom Access Control Policy). Any viewer will be 
able to access for themselves whether t he Association is confirmed and 
by which parties. Specifically, there will be no ability under the 
proposal for Party A to "do something" that would "keep that 
(Association) invisible".

The proposal essentially says: "Label the product and let the buyer be 
aware". To use an analogy the V2 way would mean that cigarrete stores 
would have to hide cigarretes from the eyes pregnant women and teh 
proposed change would mean that they can display it in full sight of teh 
pregnant women as long as there is a label that says that pregnant women 
are at risk for using that product.

Hope the anology makes things clearer.

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