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Subject: RE: [regrep] ebXML Registry/UDDI "Crosswalk"

Hi Joe,

Such a cross-walk has been done in JAXR API 1.0 [1].

[1] http://jcp.org/aboutJava/communityprocess/final/jsr093/index.html

I will be glad to answer any questions.


-----Original Message-----
From: Chiusano Joseph [mailto:chiusano_joseph@bah.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 3:54 PM
To: regrep@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [regrep] ebXML Registry/UDDI "Crosswalk"

Lately it seems that I am seeing more and more cases where UDDI is
mentioned for registration and discovery of Web Services descriptions,
but not ebXML Registry. In fact, I attended a session at my firm
yesterday where the presenter did this very thing! Another example is
the XrML (eXtensible Rights Markup Language) spec - which is being
developed under an OASIS TC - which specifies service references using
WSDL and UDDI - but not ebXML. :( 

It seems to me that if we were to create some sort of formal "crosswalk"
between UDDI and ebXML Registry as a Technical Note, it would allow
those who reference UDDI to more easily reference ebXML Registry because
they would see the parallel between the 2 specifications in this area. 
In light of that, I've drafted a preliminary crosswalk - please see the
2 attached files for reference (they were extracted from the UDDI 3.0
spec and our "Registering Web Services in an ebXML Registry" Technical
Note). Below I list and describe:

(1) The UDDI Core Structures 
(2) The ebXML Registry Web Services-Related Classes
(3) Crosswalk between the 2

Please provide feedback on the accuracy of this.


(1) UDDI Core Structures:

businessEntity: Describes a business or other organization that
typically provides Web services

[businessEntities contain businessServices]

businessService: Describes a collection of related Web services offered
by an organization described by a businessEntity

[businessServices contain bindingTemplates]
bindingTemplate: Describes the technical information necessary to use a
particular Web service
[bindingTemplates contain references to tModels]

tModel: Describes a "technical model" representing a reusable concept,
such as a Web service type, a protocol used by Web services, or a
category system
(2) ebXML Registry Web Services-Related Classes:

Organization: A RegistryObject instance that provides information on
organizations such as a Submitting Organization. 

[An Organization may be associated with one or more Services]

Service: A RegistryEntry instance that provides information on services.

[A Service has a collection of ServiceBindings]

ServiceBinding: A RegistryObject instance that represents technical
information on a specific way to access a specific interface offered by
a Service instance.

[A ServiceBinding may have a SpecificationLink instance]

SpecificationLink: Provides the linkage between a ServiceBinding and one
of its technical specifications that describes how to use the service
with that ServiceBinding.  
(3) Crosswalk*:

UDDI "businessEntity"  ---> ebXML Registry "Organization"
UDDI "businessService" ---> ebXML Registry "Service"
UDDI "bindingTemplate" ---> ebXML Registry "ServiceBinding"
UDDI "tModel"          ---> ebXML Registry "ExtrinsicObject"

*---> means "is roughly equivalent to in the Web Services context"

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