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sca-bindings message

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Subject: Raw log of 2009-03-26 extended call

Simon Holdsworth: Chat room:


Audio conference:

Meeting Number: * 913929 * (press * before and after the digits)

Phone numbers:

Austria = Vienna 026822056419
Belgium = Brussels 022901709
China Toll Free = China North 108007121722, China South 108001201722
Denmark = Copenhagen 32714982
France = Paris 0170994364, Lyon 0426840196, Marseilles 0488915310
Germany = Berlin 030726167296, Frankfurt 069710445413, Hamburg 
040809020620, Munich 089244432767, Stuttgart 0711490813212, Dusseldorf 
India Toll Free = 0008001006703
Ireland = Dublin 014367612
Italy = Milan 0230413007, Rome 06452108288, Turin 01121792100
Japan = Tokyo 0357675037
Netherlands = Amsterdam 0207965349
Portugal = Lisbon 211200415
Russia Toll Free = 81080022074011
Spain = Barcelona: 934923140, Madrid: 917889793
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UK Toll Free = 08003581667
UK Toll = London 02071542988, Manchester 01612500379, Birmingham 
USA Toll Free = 18665289390
USA Toll = 19543344789

Simon Holdsworth: Apologies will be a couple of minutes late starting 
the call

Simon Holdsworth: Agenda

Simon Holdsworth: 1. Opening

Roll call
Scribe assignment

Top 10 on the scribe list:
Jeff Mischkinsky Oracle Corporation
Nimish Hathalia TIBCO Software Inc.
Plamen Pavlov SAP AG
Anish Karmarkar Oracle Corporation
Simon Nash Individual
David Booz IBM
Bryan Aupperle IBM
Martin Chapman Oracle Corporation
Eric Johnson TIBCO Software Inc.
Piotr Przybylski IBM

Agenda bashing

2. Approval of the minutes from 19th March


3. Actions

20090211-4 [General] Write up HTTP binding use cases
20090226-7 [Simon Holdsworth] Propose resolution for BINDINGS-60
20090311-2 [Editors] Update specs for new assembly namespace
20090312-1 [Editors] Update schemas in specs as per 
20090312-3 [Eric Johnson] Submit an updated proposal for issue 
BINDINGS-54 based on discussion.
20090319-1 [Simon Nash] Produce updated proposal for issue BINDINGS-23

4. New Issues

Please note, as per resolution on 9th October 2008, new issues received 
on the mailing list after Noon GMT 1st November can only be opened using 
the same voting rules as re-opening a closed issue (2/3 majority of a 
full TC vote)

Missing element in binding.jms schema

5. Open Issue Summary/Schedule

Discuss ownership/deferral of issues.

Current schedule:
Public review drafts to be completed by 5th March, with TC vote on 12th 
Test assertions complete by end of March, test cases by end of April

Issues with proposed resolutions: 4
Issues with identified owner, no resolution: 3
Issues with no identified owner: 0

Survey outlook for issues with no proposed resolution (marked with * in 
this list)

Simon Holdsworth: 48, 60*, 68*
Eric Johnson: 54
Anish Karmarkar: 2, 25
Simon Nash: 23

6. Open Issue Discussion

How should SCA callback semantics be carried over Web Services?
Raiser: Simon Nash, owner: Anish Karmarkar
Status: Proposed resolution: 
Latest email: 

@wsdlElement definition needs clarification on "equivalent" and use of 
WSDL 2.0 constructs
Raiser: Eric Johnson, owner: Simon Nash
Status: Proposed resolution: 

Is it required that every implementation of binding.ws support the soap 
Raiser: Anish Karmarkar, owner: Anish Karmarkar
Status: Proposed resolution in email 
Latest email: 

Endpoint URI algorithm is unclear
Raiser: Eric Johnson, owner: Eric Johnson
Status: Proposed resolution: 
Latest email: 

How are mayProvide intents on bindings satisfied
Raiser: Ashok Malhotra, owner: Simon Holdsworth
Status: Proposed resolution: 
Latest email: 

JMS Default wire format insufficient to cover real world usage
Raiser: Simon Holdsworth, owner: Simon Holdsworth
Status: No proposal

Invalid schema provided by sca-binding-jms-1.1-cd02.xsd
Raiser: Luciano Resende, owner: Simon Holdsworth
Status: No proposal

7. AOB


*Revolving list of scribes*

Jeff Mischkinsky Oracle Corporation
Nimish Hathalia TIBCO Software Inc.
Plamen Pavlov SAP AG
Anish Karmarkar Oracle Corporation
Simon Nash Individual
David Booz IBM
Bryan Aupperle IBM
Martin Chapman Oracle Corporation
Eric Johnson TIBCO Software Inc.
Piotr Przybylski IBM

Dave Booz np, will grab some lunch

Simon Nash: scribe: Simon N

Simon Nash: Last 2 issues in the list are done

anish that was the sound of us being quorate

Simon Nash: Issue 44 has been applied incorrectly, was incorporated in CD02

Simon Nash: Need a new issue to fix this

anish: Topic: Open Issue Summary/Schedule

anish: 48 is pending, discussion going on with MikeE

anish: 60 -- no proposed resolution yet

anish: SimonH: looking at how to resolve this. Wonder if we should defer 

anish: ... will give myself till next week for this

anish: SimonH: when is the drop-dead date?

anish: s/SimonH/SimonN/

anish: SimonH: none yet, we are already late

anish: Dave: means we need the PR ASAP

anish: SN: perhaps we should accept reality now

anish: Motion: m:DaveB s: SimonN Defer issue 60 till after PR

anish: motion approved w/o

anish: Resolution: issue 60 deferred till after PR

anish: MikeE joins the call, > 66% voting members present

anish: Scribe: anish

anish: Topic: New issue 71

anish: SH: this is a result of issue 44 resolution not being applied 

anish: ... and 44 is already closed

anish: ... the bug is that the psuedo-schema is fixed but not the schema

anish: Motion: m: MikE s:Bryan open issue 71

anish: motion approved w/o

anish: Resolution: issue 71 is opened

anish: Motion: m:Mike s:Bryan Resolve issue 71 with the proposal in JIRA

anish: Motion approved w/o

anish: Resolution: issue 71 is resolved with the proposal in JIRA

anish: Topic: Open Issue summary/schedule

anish: SH: issue 68 is a UPA problem

anish: ... should just revert the schema and put restriction in text

anish: ... will produce proposal along those lines

anish: ME: was the previous version ok, or was there anything wrong with it?

anish: SH: no that was the only problem we tried to fix and created the 
UPA problem

anish: ... will have a proposal next week

anish: SH: 54 we have a proposal from Eric. Eric can't attend today's call

anish: SH: 2 we have a proposal from Anish.

anish: SH: 25 we have a proposal from Anish

anish: SH: 23, proposal from Simon

Simon Nash: testing connection...

Simon Nash: looks like I am back

Simon Nash: next issue: BINDINGS-2


Simon Nash: SimonN asks how the MC case can be implemented

Simon Nash: the answer is for the client to always have a poll request 


Mike Edwards: This doc:

Mike Edwards: SCA-bindings-issue2-proposal-v11-simon.doc

anish: How about: In such cases, it is necessary for the binding on the 
reference-side to be ready to receive and process callback request(s) 
from the service, before the forward operation request is sent.

anish: THe above is to address comment SN1 in the doc

Ashok has  to drop for another call

anish: How about: In such cases, it is necessary for the binding on the 
reference-side to poll for callback requests from the service, before or 
right after the forward operation request is sent. It is possible that 
before the response to the forward request is sent a response to one or 
more callback requests are requires by the service.

anish: and the previous sentence can say: In such cases, it is necessary 
for the binding on the reference-side to be ready to receive and process 
callback request(s) from the service, before the forward operation 
request is sent. It is possible that before the response to the forward 
request is sent a response to one or more callback requests are required 
by the service.

Simon Nash: In such cases, it is necessary for the binding on the 
reference-side to poll for callback requests from the service, before or 
right after the forward operation request is sent and before a response 
is received. It is possible that before the response to the forward 
request is sent a response to one or more callback requests are requires 
by the service.

anish: accept SimonN's above wordings

anish: s/WS-Callback/WS Callback/ for the protocal

anish: policy assertion: WSCallback

Simon Nash: WSCallback

anish: ... and hyper link to the section that defines the protocol

anish: name of the protocol: SCA WS Callback


anish: UUIDs are ok, they are all unique

anish: fix the NS for WSMC anon uri globally

anish: (s/wsrm/wsmc/)

Simon Nash: In such cases, it is necessary for the binding on the 
reference-side to start polling for callback requests from the service, 
before or right after the forward operation request is sent and before a 
response is received, and continue polling as long as callback requests 
are expected. It is possible that before the response to the forward 
request is sent a response to one or more callback requests are requires 
by the service.

anish: similar modification to the other paragraph in the 1st section

Simon Nash: action Anish: produce a v12 proposal for BINDINGS-2 
incorporating all the changes discussed

anish: Scribe change: anish

anish: Topic: issue 23

anish: http://www.osoa.org/jira/browse/BINDINGS-23
@wsdlElement definition needs clarification on "equivalent" and use of 
WSDL 2.0 constructs
Raiser: Eric Johnson, owner: Simon Nash
Status: Proposed resolution: 

anish: Simon explains his proposal

Mike Edwards: [ASM80011]
If an <interface/> element references an interface document which 
declares a callback interface and also itself contains a declaration of 
a callback interface, the two callback interfaces MUST be compatible.

anish: MikeE: in point 2, the word "same" should apply to everything

anish: MikeE: in point 2, should say where the wsdl mapping is defined

anish: Anish: we should ensure that the recursive callback case is 
handled correctly, but it is an assembly issue

anish: SN: that can be handled in issue 116/117

anish: MikeE: take out section 5.4 from the cross ref to assembly

anish: SN: if we resolved per my proposal, it will affect resolution of 
issue 54

anish: issue of what happens if there are >1 ports that are compatible 
for a reference

anish: for a service all compatible ports must be made available

anish: SN: proposal to say that for a reference exactly one port must be 
made available, which one is picked is up to the runtime

anish: SN: the runtime could even pick a different one for each invocation

anish: SN: caridinality is 1, a binding of a reference that points to 
wsdl.service(), for each invocation of that reference the runtime must 
pick one compatible port

anish: Dave: like the other proposal where the number of ports the 
runtime picks depends on the declared cardinality of the reference

Mike Edwards: *** time warning ***

anish: bryan: if my services has 3 different ports we may have policy 
determine which port is picked

anish: Action: Simon to produce a revised proposal for 23

anish: Simon: will include the policy in the write up

anish: Meeting adjourned\

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