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Subject: [sca-bpel] Raw Chat from May 21 Telcon

anish: agenda -
anish: 1. Roll Call
2. Appointment of scribe
Scribe list attached below
3. Agenda bashing
4. Approval of May 14, 2009 minutes
5. Action Items review
#0062 Sanjay - Reword SBL-TA-SP01 to reflect new tighter spec language
#0068 Editors - fix the typo "orginalName" in the section 2.3
#0069 Khanderao - SBL-TA-3001: Prerequisite should be about "two or more variable declarations
#0070 Khanderao - SBL-TA-2020: replace the Prerequisite statements a) and b) by the combined statement - "Multiple partner links (defined in different scopes) share the same name".
#0071 Khanderao - SBL-TA-2022: Include 'prerequisite of SBL-TA-2020' as additional prerequisite
#0072 Khaderao - SBL-TA-3002 Update prerequisites a) and c) on the lines of: a) a variable declaration has an sca-bpel property attribute b) a value is provided for the property via component configuration
#0074 Khanderao - Change the target of 3003 to CT
#0076 Khanderao - refind the target of 3005
#0077 Anish - fix the target where it says: "The component type of the component that uses " with "CT of the BPEL process"
#0078 Danny - Propose resolution for Issue BPEL-42
#0079 MikeR - Propose alternate algorithm for issue BPEL-41
6. New Issues
a. Issue 43
Invalid start-from-componentType scenario in abstract
7. Test assertion doc
Latest Draft v06: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200904/msg00028.html
Review TAs added by Khanderao starting at SBL-TA-3008
Review TAs added by Sanjay starting at SBL-TA-SP04
8. Issue Discussion
a) Issue 41
SBPEL2022 has an incorrect 'MAY' and is not applied recursively
Email discussion -
b) Issue 42
SBPEL3004 has an incorrect 'MAY'
Email discussion --
9. Plan for testing
Seeking volunteers to write test cases
10. AOB
Please change your name from 'anonymous' using the Settings button
anonymous morphed into Najeeb Andrabi
anish: Scribe: Najeeb Andrabi
anish: ScribeNick: Najeeb Andrabi
Najeeb Andrabi: Anish: one new issue #43
Najeeb Andrabi: Agenda approved.
anish: 1. Roll Call
2. Appointment of scribe
Scribe list attached below
3. Agenda bashing
4. Approval of May 14, 2009 minutes
5. Action Items review
#0062 Sanjay - Reword SBL-TA-SP01 to reflect new tighter spec language
#0068 Editors - fix the typo "orginalName" in the section 2.3
#0069 Khanderao - SBL-TA-3001: Prerequisite should be about "two or more variable declarations
#0070 Khanderao - SBL-TA-2020: replace the Prerequisite statements a) and b) by the combined statement - "Multiple partner links (defined in different scopes) share the same name".
#0071 Khanderao - SBL-TA-2022: Include 'prerequisite of SBL-TA-2020' as additional prerequisite
#0072 Khaderao - SBL-TA-3002 Update prerequisites a) and c) on the lines of: a) a variable declaration has an sca-bpel property attribute b) a value is provided for the property via component configuration
#0074 Khanderao - Change the target of 3003 to CT
#0076 Khanderao - refind the target of 3005
#0077 Anish - fix the target where it says: "The component type of the component that uses " with "CT of the BPEL process"
#0078 Danny - Propose resolution for Issue BPEL-42
#0079 MikeR - Propose alternate algorithm for issue BPEL-41
6. New Issues
a. Issue 43
Invalid start-from-componentType scenario in abstract
7. Test assertion doc
Latest Draft v06: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200904/msg00028.html
Review TAs added by Khanderao starting at SBL-TA-3008
Review TAs added by Sanjay starting at SBL-TA-SP04
8. Issue Discussion
a) Issue 41
SBPEL2022 has an incorrect 'MAY' and is not applied recursively
Email discussion -
b) Issue 42
SBPEL3004 has an incorrect 'MAY'
Email discussion --
9. Plan for testing
Seeking volunteers to write test cases
10. AOB
anish: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200905/msg00038.html
Najeeb Andrabi: May 14th minutes approved.
Najeeb Andrabi: Action Item review
anish: http://osoa.org/jira/browse/BPEL-43
Najeeb Andrabi: All action items pending except AI 78 and 79.
Najeeb Andrabi: Issue 43 discussion
Najeeb Andrabi: Danny moves to open issue 43
Najeeb Andrabi: Khanderao seconds.
Najeeb Andrabi: Motion passed unanimously.
Najeeb Andrabi: Issue 43 is now open.
anish: Change it to talk about constraining types:
Implement an SCA Constraining Type. It should be possible to use WS-BPEL to implement any SCA Constraining Type that uses only WSDL interfaces to define services and references, possibly with some SCA specific extensions used in process definition.
Mike Edwards: +1
Najeeb Andrabi: Danny moves to adopt the proposal
Najeeb Andrabi: for issue 43
Najeeb Andrabi: Mike Edwards seconds.
Najeeb Andrabi: to resolve issue 43 with the proposal that is in jira.
Najeeb Andrabi: Motion passed unanimously
Najeeb Andrabi: Issue 43 is resolved.
anish: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200904/msg00028.html
Najeeb Andrabi: Test Assertion document review:
Najeeb Andrabi: SBL-TA-3008 review:
Najeeb Andrabi: Khanderao: Predicate needs to be corrected.
Mike Edwards: My suggestion:
Mike Edwards: Target:  partner link element of BPEL process
Mike Edwards: Prerequisite: Partner link has @myRole attribute referencing a role which is the only role of a partner link type
Mike Edwards: Predicate: partner link element has no sca-bpel:multiRefFrom attribute declared
anish: ACTION: Khanderao to modify 3008 per the suggesting in the chat
Najeeb Andrabi: Action for Khanderao to modify SBL-TA-3008 based on Mike Edwards suggestion.
anish: ACTION: editors to clean up prerequisite so that they are inlined
Khanderao: Prerequisit: Partner link has a sca-bpel:service attribute.
Khanderao: Predicate: Partnerlink does not have the sca-bpel:multiRefFrom attribute
anish: ACTION: Khanderao to modify 3009 per the text in the chat
Najeeb Andrabi: SBL-TA-3010 assertion discussion:
Najeeb Andrabi: Mike Edwards: partner link is not what is getting tested.
Khanderao: Target: Sca-bpel:multiRefFrom attribute on partnerLink element
Najeeb Andrabi: Anish:
Najeeb Andrabi: A partnerLink associated with the multi-valued reference via a scabpel:
multiRefFrom attribute (see SBPEL3010, SBPEL3008 and
Najeeb Andrabi: is only required Prerequisite.
anish: prereq: Partner link has a sca-bpel:multiRefFrom attribute.
anish: Action: Khanderao to modify 3010 per chat
anish ping
Najeeb Andrabi: Anish and Khanderao test assertion review completed.
Najeeb Andrabi: Test assertions by Sanjay still needs to reviewed.
anish: a) Issue 41
SBPEL2022 has an incorrect 'MAY' and is not applied recursively
Email discussion -
Najeeb Andrabi: Issue #41 discussion
anish: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/sca-bpel/200905/doc00002.doc
Najeeb Andrabi: Michael Rowley: lexical ordering is the only ordering, so there is no need to be explicit.
Najeeb Andrabi: Danny: there is in-consistency in how the derived partner link names are generated by the algorithm.
Najeeb Andrabi: Martin Chapman: concerns about lexical order as it can be changed in parallel flow.
Najeeb Andrabi: Martin Chapman: for this algorithm to work the BPEL process files have to exactly the same.
Najeeb Andrabi: Anish: Algorithm should to mangle partner link names that do not collide.
Najeeb Andrabi: not
Najeeb Andrabi: Danny: prefers one pass algorithm.
Martin C: does any one actually have examples where clashes occur; i mean real life ones
Martin C: time gentlemen please



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